A Letter to Our San Francisco Friends, Neighbors and Family

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June 15, 2002

Dear Friends, Neighbors and Family,

Moving day has snuck up on us faster that we ever anticipated. When we knew we were going to move six months ago, we had such good intentions to spend significant and meaningful time with all our friends in San Francisco. Of course, what we've learned is that the relationships we've built over the past 14 years in the Bay Area have already been so rich and wonderful -- it's unnecessary and impossible to try to force meaningful good-byes. And to be truthful, the emotional weight of this move has kept us from being very efficient in trying to get together with people (in other words, we've been getting in our last little bit of nesting).

Believe me, the last few months have held a poignancy that has been almost unbearable. I've spent the last few weeks waking up early and watching that first mediterranean light spreading over the sky through our back window and I just want time to stand still. On the foggy days, I hear that fog horn out in the bay, and it feels like the memory of San Francisco already haunting me. This is the toughest good-bye I think I've ever had.

We've been lucky to get to live in the greatest city on Earth for the last decade and to get to know all of you. We've had the deeply rewarding experience of living in the inner Richmond - a neighborhood whose rare combination of true diversity and friendliness will be tough to find again. Our kids have attended two wonderful schools and we've gotten to know a great group of parents through those experiences. And, we've had a chance to live close to many of our dearest family members and to see them regularly. We're grateful for all of this.

I know distances are hard, but we will do our best to keep in touch. You know how to reach us, and we really hope you will. We plan to be back for our Spring vacations every year and we hope you will let us know if you would welcome a visit from us or playdate from the kids.

With love from all of us,

Anne, John, Jake & Tommy


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