10 Things I Would Do If  I Were an Evil Dominator
1. I would not show mercy to anyone who asked for it. They are always loyal to the hero , why keep them around? After all, they never serve an actual purpose.

2. If anyone ever double crossed me I will kill them. No, I take that back. I would use them as an example, I would torture them slowly until they died a horrible, painful death.

3. If anyone ever says to me "he is only one man, what can one man do?" about the hero, I will simply say "This" and kill the moron who dared to speak.

4. I will surely never show the hero mercy. I want him or her dead after all. Why be nice about it? I'm evil remember?

5. I will actually listen to my advisors. Unless I was drunk when I hired them they probably know what they are talking about.

6. I will use my weapon as often and as liberally as I can. Hey, I've got it, why not use it?

7. I will not be dumb enough to enlist the aid of my prisoners. People hold grudges, the person will definetly be out to get me.

8. I will not have children. They will both be out to throw me off my evil thrown.

9. I will kill the cute cuddle creature that aids the hero . If nothing else it will get his spirits down.

10. I will never explain my evil plans before I kill the hero, I will never grant last requests.
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