Wanna see the pics?

These are some pics that are scattered throughout the site, and also pics that I've drawn myself.

First, I'm going to showcase the pics that I drew myself, BUT, I feel the need to note that: these were drawn BY me, and they are not Public Domain, they belong to me. So, DON'T take them without asking first. If I ever find any of my pics on some other site that I did not give any permission to, I will promptly remove this page and all the pics. Thank you for respecting this site. *Grin*

Pics Page 02


Here be my Pics:

Seikou singing a song while thinking of Piccolo-San! You'd have to e-mail Antimon
for the name and artist of this song.
I just can't seem to remember it. Is on of my best.
Piccolo-San has proven very difficult
for me to draw, so I won't have too
many pics of him.

My single best pic of Vegeta-Sama! Basically, I really like Vegeta-Sama and
a friend had shown me a pic of Sailor Moon that
he had on his desktop and the pic was crisp and clear and large,
so, I wanted a really good pic of Vegeta-Sama to put
on my desktop and I came up with this one.

You KNEW this was bound to happen sooner or later! The pic is self-explanitory.
I like Pok�mon and especially James (my fave's Mewtwo, though) and one day I was
sitting down trying to think of a good pic to draw
and idly wondered what James would think if he came across Vegeta-Sama,
and this just happened to pop into my head.
Hope you enjoy seeing it as much as I enjoyed drawing it.

Two half Saiya-Jins! This is my very first drawing
of Gohan. While I was drawing it, for some
odd reason, he looked more like Krillin (Kuririn).
I did something to his eyes and then it looked
like Gohan, but I stil don't quite understand why.

A force to be recconned with! Yes, I AM aware
that he looks like he's going out of his way to step on her foot
but that wasn't my intention.
I drew him first then just kinda added her
into the pic afterwards. Just... pretend that they're
playing footsie or something. OK? Hehe.
I know SHE would enjoy it.

The kiss of a Saiya-Jin!I know what you're thinking,
and you're wrong! There be NOTHING naughty
going on with them! They're JUST kissing!
My upcoming fan fic will explain the pic!

3 Saiya-Jins! See the Family resemblance? I would like to note that
though the little girl is related to Vegeta-Sama by blood,
she is NOT his daugther. She's his Niece (that'll later be explained).
Seikou is a bit darker than the other two because she is green.
(This is a pencil drawing)
Seikou and Vegeta-Sama's niece are both � Me.

Two Ladies! Those would be Kimmie Cyan and Seikou!
I drew this pic for a sort of profile picture on a cool site.
Perhaps I'll put the link on my page sometime.
Doesn't Seikou look so cute? I'm proud of how
her dress came out! It looks good. And, yes,
that's the type of outfit Kimmie usually would wear...
short. Very short. Or sometimes she wears long dresses,
just so long as they're sexy.
Both Kimmie and Seikou are � Me.

"Gah! LOOK WHAT SHE DID TO ME!!" - Seikou
Well, there was this girl called Speck who
did a Kuririn/Ash crossover, wherein she dressed
Kuririn up like Ash Ketchem from Pok�mon.
He was about as happy with the idea
as Seikou is with this one.
I like to call it: Sailor Saiya-Jin!
I jis wanna get one thing straight:
I DO like Sailor Moon! So dun get all offended
and think that I'm trying to bash Sailor Moon! Cos I'm not!
Seikou be � Me!


These are all part of a fight. First, Frieza kills Vegeta-Sama in the episode "Death of Prince", and then, an enraged Seikou attacks Frieza. She immeadeately goes Super Saiya-Jin because she knows that she won't stand a chance with Frieza if she doesn't. Of course, Frieza is much faster and immeadeately gets the upper hand. He beats on Seikou, and she loses too much energy and is unable to stay Super Saiya-Jin. She recieves a blast to her face which breaks off the rest of her armour and tears up her outfit. Soon, torn and bleeding, she musters up the last bit of energy she can and tries to send it after Frieza. After her attack is over, Goku, of course, takes on Frieza then while Seikou morns the death and emminent destruction of everything that she cares for. The copyrights and credits are in the pics.


Saiya-Jin Lovers Here are Seikou and Vegeta-Sama
together under a full moon. He's actually
being NICE to her for once! They
are NOT looking at the full moon for a reason:
They don't want to transform into Oozarus.
The light on them is s'posed to resemble
a full moon shining right down on them.
And the other things are obviously stars.
Oh, and they are NOT naked in the pic.
It was only s'posed to be a head shot of
the two, and she would jis be sitting in his
lap if you could see the rest of their bodies.

I also have a gallery at Elfwood,
I will still be working on this one too.
Anyway, here it is
Crystal's Elfwood Gallery
Plus, there will be pics there that
Geocities won't allow me to put here...
Due to their graphic nature.
No, not nessesarilly skimpily glad pics,
maybe jis pics with alot of graphic violence.

Here's Elfwood's front page.

I also have a gallery at Vixen Controled Libraries!
YES! **Pumps fist**
I have wanted one for SOOO LONG!
My Gallery!

Kuraiyuki reveals his TRUE Self Yeah,
he's picking her up by the neck,
and she is desperatelly trying to kick him...
to no avail. You can read about
Kuraiyuki in the Saiya-Jin Info section.

Wedding Dress Yes, Seikou's
getting closer to her goal to marry Vegeta-Sama.
However, she thought she'd let HIM pick out
her wedding dress. She is currently regreting it.
That will not quite be her actually wedding dress though.
She won't wear it in front of anyone else.
Also, it WILL be red, because that's
the traditional Japanese Maiden's wedding color.
Her wedding dress was going to be red
WAAAAAYYY back when she was going to marry Piccolo-San.
Piccolo-San used to be my fave character.

Seikou's Special Dream The Lyrics are
by Enrique Iglesias and they're from
the song "Could I have this kiss forever"
Seikou Loves Vegeta-Sama, and more than
anything else, she wishes that he'd
return her Love and marry her. He thinks
that she doesn't like him very much. And
she doesn't think he's noticed her.
She is afraid to tell him of her feelings.
Afraid that he'll turn them away. Afraid that she'll get hurt.
Her wedding dress is red because red is the traditional
color for Japanese maidens to wear at their weddings.
And her tiara is different because she's the Neo-Queen
instead of a Princess.
Also, they are not really getting married, this is jis her
special secret dream. That one day
he'll marry her, but as of yet, the idea hasn't even occured to him.
I used different media types in creating this picture.
I used Paintshop Pro to scan and color it.
And Photo Delux for the frame.
And Photoshop for the lighting effects.
I hope ya like it.

I met another Saiya-Jin who likes Vegeta-Sama also.
So, we are now rivals.
We are also doing some pics about the rivalry.
I felt that with the possible amount of pics I might do from this,
that I shoud make a new page for it.
Here is the link to my pic page.
SSJ Rivals

Happy Easter! Yes, Vegeta_Sama
is going to kill the Easter Bunny.
Well, to explain
this pic, let me tell you something about Easter:
It is not about the eggs,
or the Bunnies, or the Chicks..
it is about Christ's Ressurrection.
I have a friend who believes in Easter that way,
rather than the commercial way. So, basically,
my friend inspired the pic when he was complaining about
how commercialized Easter was.
That is why Vegeta-Sama's telling the bunny
that bunnies aren't what Easter's really about.
Because it's not!
To my friend: Hope you like how the pic came out!
I jis wanna note that I mean no offence to anyone,
I like getting Easter Baskets full of candy too!
But, hey, the pic is all in good fun, eh?
Oh, c'mon! I'm not the only one who's
done pics like this of the Easter Bunny!

Seikou smiling beautifully! Why?
B'cause she jis recieved a
compliment from Vegeta-Sama! Hey!
**Pics yer unconsious body up off the floor
and carries you to a chair. You slowly awaken**
it's not THAT strange an occurance, is it?
Oh.. ok so maybe it is.. **You finally begin
to recover from yer shock**
Seikou is � Crystal M. Ondricek

The Son of Mewtwo and Vegeta-Sama
Ok, this started when I saw a pic of
Vegeta-Sama crossed with Mewtwo. It had
Vegeta-Sama with Mewtwo's tail, nose and
Ears. And I didn't really like how it looked
I decided that I should try to
see if I could do better. At least IMO
And, this guy was the result.
I thought he was so cute that I decided
to jis make a new chara rather than have
him jis be a crossover of Mewtwo and Vegeta.
So, what's his story?
N�oko - a Mewthree and also Mewtwo's
girlfriend and student was practising with her
incredible powers. And Mewtwo,
Vegeta-Sama and Seikou had all made
the mistake of being in the same room with her.
N�oko is notorious for screwing things up
pretty badly during her training sessions.
But, it's never before been something that Mewtwo
couldn't handle. Till Seikou came along.
N�oko was practising and Seikou screwed her up
really badly. Her power engulged Mewtwo and
(who were standing near each other)
And their bodies were combined. Their DNA completely
merged. Then N�oko regained control
of her power and seperated - which was
successful save one thing: Their combined form
was standing their in the in the middle.
A clone of Vegeta-Sama and Mewtwo.
Their Son. With all the powers of both of them.
And some of their personality quirks.
He is possibly the only Saiya-Jin who
can erase or control minds. And possibly
The only Mewtwo that can go Super Saiya-Jin.
Or transform into an Oozaru. *Smirk* For that matter.
And possibly the only person in the universe
who can go SSJ3 without any wear and tear on his body
or life force. Since he is immortal.
He has all the knowledge of both. But
Has the ability to grow and learn on his own.
He was accepted by Mewtwo after a bit,
but Vegeta-Sama will not recognize
this 'freak' as his son. The son has a chip on his
shoulder because of his father not accepting him.
Seikou and he have found a kinship in each other
as they are both trying to get Vegeta-Sama
to love them - though in different ways
Oh, and he needs that loin cloth.
Jis trust me on that! *Smirk*
He is my first Mewtwo-morph!
And he needs a name! Due to the pain that
Vegeta-Sama's lack of acceptance has caused
him. He has turned down
the names "Tuugeta", "Twogeta", "Vegetuu" and "Vegetwo".
The Chara is � Crystal M. Ondricek

The first pic of the
Son of Mewtwo and Vegeta-Sama that
I drew! Isn't he cute?

Father and Son clash Which is a
rather common occurance with those two,
and though the son is stronger than Vegeta-Sama
and could kill him easily, he is also
very against fighting and killing
and he will only kill if he has no other choice.
Thus, most of their clashes are verbal.

Seikou's Pet Chihuahua, Chelle

Chelle being Vicious!

Time to Train. Seikou
was having lunch outside... or
about to have lunch outside, anyway; when
Vegeta-Sama decided it was time to train instead.
When she protested to leaving her food
he simply grabbed the back of her shirt
and proceeded to drag her to the training room.
She desperatelly wants her food!
Ah, what can I say? I find the pic
rather amusing! *Smirk* And I enjoyed drawing it!
I especially love her expression
and his sweat drop.


Those were pics that *I* drew. Now, for some pre-drawn pics. Hehe.
Please note: *I* did NOT draw these next ones!


Here be the other pics:

Vegeta-Sama Powering up trying to go SSJ, it's not of the best quality, sorry
Vegeta-Sama sitting and looking on
Vegeta-Sama grinning and wearing his Scouter!
Is SOOO cute! That's Gohan and Piccolo-San!

4 Saiya-Jins (left to right): Nappa; Radditz; Kakkarot; Prince Vegeta-Sama
DBGT: Chibi Gokou; Trunks and Pan
Frieza holding Vegeta-Sama with his tail
Father Vegeta-Sama with Trunks, so cute!
Chi-Chi looking sexy!
Vegeta-Sama getting wiped out by a Kamehameha (NOT a Genki Dama like the filename says.)
Gokou punching Vegeta-Sama
Trunks and Goten finishing the Fusion dance to become "Gotenks"
Gezzunheight! Use a tissue next time!
Kuririn preparing to end the battle
Chibi Vegeta-Sama! What an absolutely cute little face!! EEEEEE!!
Neo-King Vegeta-Sama
Vegeta-Sama - Oozaru
Vegeta-Sama - Oozaru smiling
Vegeta-Sama - Oozaru roaring!
Trunks and his sis (*very* low quality, sorry)
Mirai Trunks and his SSJ father
Vegeta-Sama with his scouter
Beautiful Pic of Vegeta-Sama from the episode "Rebirth"
Vegeta-Sama as Super Oozaru from GT
Vegeta-Sama and Gokou as Super Oozarus from GT
Vegeta-Sama - lookin' REALLY FINE in those vinal pants - and Gokou as Super Oozarus from GT
Vegeta-Sama and Gokou with... is it Koola in the background?
Vegeta-Sama Powering up as SSJ2
SSJ Trunks holding SSJ Vegeta-Sama
Vegeta-Sama gets out of Trunks' hold
Vegeta-Sama Yelling from the episode where he comes back to life after Frieza killed him Vegeta-Sama sitting and looking at something Vegeta-Sama sitting down lookin' cute an' chipper as ever! Heh Vegeta-Sama sitting on a Namekian Dragon Ball SSJ Vegeta-Sama prepairing to blast something

---Animated GIFS---

Frieza - Destructo Disc Attack
Frieza - Laser Beam Attack
Piccolo-San - Gekiretsukodan Attack
Gokou doing the Kamehameha
Kuririn - Taiyoken (Solar Flair) Attack
Piccolo-San - Makankosappo Attack
Piccolo-San - Special Beam Cannon Attack
Vegeta-Sama Jumping
A little GIF. You've probably seen this one before, but I edited it a little. Mostly slowed it down so you can actually SEE all the charas!
SSJ Vegeta-Sama attacking
Chibi pic of Gohan and Piccolo-San from the song "Piccolo-San Daisuki" (The World's Strongest Man)

Here's some bloody Vegeta-Sama Pics.Click here for blood! Hehe.


Have some fanart that you'd like to see here? Just e-mail me the pic (or preferably the addy to it if you've already uploaded it somewhere) and of course, your permission for me to display it and your name and e-mail address (optional, I won't put your e-mail address on here if you don't give me permission to), and I'll credit you on here for the pics you did. Please don't send me other people's pics without getting their permission first. Thank you.


--*FAN ART*--
If you've sent me any art, this is where you'll find it!
Note, these weren't drawn by me. AND these belong to the people whom are credited to them, so, please respect them and don't take their pics! Thank you!



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