[Rainbow coloured line]

Controversial Scenes

[Rainbow coloured line]

[Adrienne crying][Ultimate scream][Adrienne crying (reversed)]

Presented below are screenshots of all the controversial scenes in Phantasmagoria. Criteria for inclusion on this page was what incidents are blurred while using the cd-rom computer game's internal censor function and my own knowledge of what the Australian censors look for when classifying computer games. All screenshots are at maximum explicitness - there is nothing more severe than these depictions in the game. Their context should become even clearer upon reading the rest of my Review pages.

Please note that none of these pictures show actual events - everything you see below was simulated (faked) with the aid of camera tricks and special effects artists. Each scene was acted out by paid professional performers. No one was actually harmed either physically or mentally during Phantasmagoria's production process. People like myself who appreciate the effort that goes into making movies and/or have at least some respect for the horror genre of fictional expression should have no problems with this page or indeed the mere existence of Phantasmagoria at all.

With the exception of the Death of Don that occurs during a desperate case of self-defence necessary to complete Phantasmagoria successfully, none of the controversial scenes present the player's one and only character, Adrienne, as a perpetrator or supporter of any violent action. As an interesting note, the very brief non-interactive love making scene from the Game Introduction and the equally non-interactive inexplicit sexual assault scene from Chapter 4 in which the player's character is the victim are the only incidents that caused Phantasmagoria to be banned in Australia!

Fortunately for squeamish gamers, the vast majority of these sights are flashed on the screen fairly quickly - turn your head away for a second or two and you will miss them. Please remember that the remainder of any scene in both uncensored and censored game playing mode may be skipped entirely simply by pressing the Escape key or by clicking on the game's fast forward "button" as appropriate. There is absolutely no reason to sit through any incident you find unpleasant to watch.

Back to the Censorship Issues Page

[Blue dot]

Comments and constructive criticisms on any of the issues raised here or on the other censorship related pages in this Review are most welcome, particularly from my fellow Australians who are as incensed as I am about the current deplorable system of computer games classification in our country.

[Dripping blood]

[Blue ribbon][Love making][Blue ribbon]
Love making from the Introduction

Rape scene
(chapter four

[Trowel murder]
Death of Hortencia
(chapter four
[Neck snapping machine murder]
Death of Leonora
(chapter five
[Giblets murder]
Death of Regina
(chapter five
[Wine bottle murder]
Death of Victoria
(chapter five
[Throne murders]
Deaths of Carno, Marie, and Gaston
(chapter six

[Harriet scalped]
Death of Harriet
(chapter seven
[Don killed]
Death of Don
(chapter seven
[Sliced open head]
Death of Adrienne #1
(chapter seven losing scenario
[Ripped open head]
Death of Adrienne #2
(chapter seven losing scenario

[Blue dot]

Phantasmagoria 2 Censored Scenes

[Blue marble line]

[Phantasmagoria button]


Title - Introduction - Gameplay - Plot Synopsis - Sound and Visual Effects - Main Characters - Censorship Issues - Miscellanea

< Phantasmagoria 2 Overview Memorial Web Subsite >

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[Phantasmagoria button] © Anthony Larme 1998 [Phantasmagoria button]
([email protected])


[Free speech online blue ribbon campaign]

[Anthony Larme]

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