PoV: the Fantasy, the Reality 

A pictorial tour of Point of View film locations situated in Vancouver, Canada.



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PoV DVD coverWelcome to the online commemoration of my overseas vacation to the scenic city of Vancouver, Canada in November 2001.  The main objective of my trip was to visit and photograph as many of the exteriors as possible of places that were used as locations for one of my favourite movies, Point of View or "PoV".  This film was produced and set in Vancouver and is available only as an interactive DVD from online retailers.  For a detailed formal review and some associated discussion of PoV, please consult the Storyline section.

It is the primary purpose of this Website to allow the visitor to acquire an excellent understanding of the Vancouver PoV locations identified, visited, and photographed by the author.  Particular emphasis is placed upon contrasting the reality of their individual contexts with the fantastical ways in which they are often used in the movie.  As an added bonus, some special locations peripheral to the film are likewise investigated. 

To see every page, please either use the Site Map extensively or click only on the left hand side navigational column.  The links presented in that column will change appropriately as you click on them from top to bottom.

Although I am appreciative of the efforts of all those responsible for PoV, including in particular the contributions of writer/director David Wheeler, and soundtrack musicians Payton Rule and jefreejon, this Website is dedicated with tremendous gratitude to the talented and beautiful actress, Stefanie von Pfetten, who plays the central role of Jane Bole with incredible charm, depth, and enthusiasm.  Without her ability to act so brilliantly to vividly bring to life a complex and unforgettable character, and, by doing so, make PoV extra-impactful upon my thoughts and interests, my Vancouver travels would probably not have taken place as I would not have had such great inspiration to undertake them.

Whether you are a fan of PoV and/or some of the cast and production crew, know little or nothing of the movie but are interested to find out more, or simply want yet another excuse to explore a magnificent, friendly country, I warmly welcome you to my Point of View: the Fantasy, the Reality site and hope that you enjoy your stay. 

The latest version of this Website

A similar movie locations/travel site for Heavenly Creatures/Christchurch, New Zealand

Anthony Larme's Websites Home Page

PoV - Official Site

© Anthony Larme 2002
[email protected]
Comments and questions are most welcome

This non-commercial unofficial PoV site was designed purely for critical review purposes. 
PoV the movie remains the property of Digital Circus Entertainment.

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