Marilyn Manson me!
Does anyone besides me have some weird thing with Trent/Manson fics or is it me? From 'Dark Omega' when Marilyn becomes Un-Majin and Trent's about to hit him...
A funny comic I made. Look at Manson-san's face in the second panel!! Kawaii!
Twiggy and Manson!! How cute!!
Pic from The Manson Special. Note his shirt...hmmm....
A pic from my fic 'The Dark Omega Returns.' Very cute.
I don't care, Manson and Trent make a cute couple..Marilyn looks
Pogo using his signature attack.
From my upcoming fic 'This Is What I Am.'
A pic of Ginger Fish...
Twiggy Ramirez looking kewl. Marilyn Manson in all his glory...Sweet lookin' fire
Marilyn really is nothing but a pet, eh?
A sad part from 'History.' Aww, Trent loves Manson!! ^_^
By far my best Manson pic ever!
On to the next page of my fanart!!
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