
Portrait of Andrea

Andrea G. Palafox

1934 S. 57th Ave Cicero, IL 60804

(773) 630-0587

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Background Information

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Educational Background

Elementary School Data

D.R. Cameron Elementary School
Chicago,IL USA
Date Attended: 9/1997-6/2005

Secondary School Data

Roberto Clemente High School
Chicago,IL USA
Graduation Date: June 2009

Post-Secondary School Data

Morton College
Cicero,IL USA
Graduation Date: Dec. 2014
Degree: Associate

Northeastern Illinois University
Chicago,IL USA
Expect Graduation Date: Dec. 2017
Major of Study: Accounting
Degree sought: Bachelor

Job Experiences

Employer/Position From - To (M/YR) Hours per week
Orange Restaraunt/ Food Runner/Expo
Orange Restaurant Chicago
06/2009 - 08/2015 About 15 hours
Master Spring & Wire Form./ Inspector
Custom Precision Springs
06/2010 - Present 40-43 hours

Future Goals

My future goals are to graduate from Northeastern and get my bachelors degree on accounting major. After getting my degree I hope I can get a job as an accountant. At the place I am working right now, Master Spring and Wire Form, my employer is giving me the opportunity to help him with some stuff about accounting. Even though my position at my workplace is an inspector, I am able to do some accounts payable and billing. Thanks to my employer I am getting some kind of experience. That's not all. My employer promise me to give me more paper work for accounting. So therefore, I see myself start working as an accountant soon. After getting more experience as an accountant and getting my degree, I hope I will become an accountant in a big bussiness.

Short and Long Term Objectives

My short terms objectives are to stay in school and work hard to get my bachelors degree. Working full-time and going to school part-time is not easy at all. Since I have to pay for my own tuition, I see myself working at Master Spring & Wire Form company until I finish school. Thanks to that company I am able to see how a business is run and what it needs to be done to handle a business. If I keep working in this place, I would gain more experience as an inspector. Working as an inspecton I would learn more about the quality it's need it and require to produce goods. Meanwhile, I would learn how to use a database and get more familiar how to use it. Also, I can get more familiar with excel, access, weight scales, and the Micro-Vu software.

My long terms objectives are after getting my bachelors I hope by that moment I will have experienced in accounting and start looking a position in a big company. I want to have my own office and be able to have my own scheduled and be able to work from my house if I want to. Also, I will make time to go back to school and get my master degree. Of course with a master degree I will have a very good salary which I am be able to buy my own house and have my dream car I always want to.

Publised By Andrea G. Palafox
Last Update Nov. 18,2015