Luna: The Moon

The Moon Moon Symbol
This is a great shot of a full moon above. Precisely what the moon looks like through a 100 power telescope, the picture just isn't nearly as bright. Unfortunately when viewing the very bright full moon you don't see many of the craters, mountains, or markings on the moon because the sun is hitting it straight on and thus casts no shadows or 'lines of termination'.

Planet Earth

Above we see a shot of the moon's Copernicus crater. It is one of the most easily visible craters on the moon because of where it is situated. The crater appears white and is easily found, surrounded by several dark lunar "seas".The Copernicus crater measures in at over 93 Kilometers in diameter!

The most easily recognized lunar crater is the Tycho crater found near the southern pole of the moon. Easily spotted because of the long white striations stretching for miles across the lunar surface originating from the Tycho crater. These lines are actually cracks and gorges in the lunar surface and are hundreds of miles long. They were caused by the actual impact of the meteor that created the Tycho crater. It is over 85 kilometers in diameter and is in fact the deepest of the lunar craters at 4,850 meters from floor to rim! That is more than half the height of Mount Everest!

small moon

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