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Chinese New Year >> Valentine's Day! :D >> Resort Escape

16th of February 2003 (Sunday)

14th of February, Valentine's day. The day florists love and hate. We love it because it brings in loads of moolah, but hate it because we have to work overtime :P Still, I enjoyed preparing for it, meeting people and delivering flowers on that day. Because we needed more hands, I invited my best friend and two classmates to help out. I'm really glad I did, because without them, it would have been CHAOS! Thank you so much, guys! ^_^ 

On the eve of the big day, my best friend (MBF) came to help and we worked till 9pm something at night. I haven't seen her in so many months, it felt so nice meeting her again. We laughed and joked, even sang along to the karaoke songs playing from the nearby cafe! How nice it felt, the both of us sitting beside each other at our work table, reminiscing about old times while our hands busily worked. Sigh. 

The next day, we had all sorts of people come to the shop for flowers, and I had so much fun promoting our roses: "These are Indian roses, look at the beautiful texture and colour!" Hehe. MBF and I noticed a pattern though, those who were chasing girls went all out to buy the most expensive bouquet they could get, while those buying for girlfriends or wives looked for the cheapest ones! There were a few exceptions, and we have respect for them, yeah! ;)

For instance, this gentleman wanted to send a beautiful bouquet of roses to his wife at work. Apparently she's an engineer, and when we went into her office, she was actually working on some plans with another engineer. Hehe, the guy engineer was so enthusiastic when he saw us! He was like: "Yoo hoo! Over here! Wow, flowers! Yeah! Bring them here!" XD The female engineer? She was radiating with joy when she received them. Really makes you feel very happy too :)

The highlight of my day though, was when I helped a friend in need. That night while I was asleep (zonked out on my bed at 8pm because I was so tired), he sent me a really nice poem through my handphone, to say thank you I guess. I've saved that poem on my computer, and I won't delete the messages for a very very long time.

Oh well, it's getting late, and I have another day of work tomorrow. Good night everybody, and happy belated Valentine's Day, wherever you are. -- 10:00pm

Chinese New Year >> Valentine's Day! :D >> Resort Escape

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