"lake of thowet"

    Possible to you,the name of the lake is very bizzre. But to society there ,this lakeis separate award for they.during the year , lake becoming countryside society fulcrums of girisekar.always in visiting many people. don't know that for bath ,and or just for paying a visit.during the year, lake which there are in district grill sub-province of gunungkidul this , have never natural of dryness. Don'T know why, but this matter possible is an proper oddity in decreasing ,District grill which is its area have of mount - mount as well as have stone stone to of itu,there area.lake which have never run dry. Legend about the happening of lake of this is also make proper to we pare., this Lake age have more than one century . According to society story ,

In area of very dryness tejadi of its citizen hard,many defeateding to be hit by disease for want of irrigate It is true horrifying. , fertile area in the reality lacking of water. After us decrease,
word a old fellow over there , first that villager people cut buffalo and plant its head so that become a very rapid wellspring and finally    become a lake which have never run dry although in long dry season 9:15 PM 2/26/2008 besides things above this lake also have properties , like etc. fish,prawn. according to citizen in certain month;moon of this lake like to take a toll of and very dangerous.

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