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Following are various thumbnails of images I made using POV. All of them, save the temple guy were not retouched at all, so enjoy them and revel in the power of POV. Go to my download site to download POV and other excellent FREE utilities and FREE games

For now enjoy these, I know they're not many but E-mail me with any new pictures or sites with pictures of POV you want me to include, thanks and happy viewing.....


Info on pic


One of my favourites that I made purely out
of boredom.


My second attempt at producing a proper
picture with POV, not bad I feel...


Nifty little pic that I really like, created just to
see if it would look cool - IT DOES!


This is the picture that gave me the most
problems and took the longest to make and
turned out shitiest. I hate making men, it's
next to impossible to make them look realistic.
That's meant to be a portal by the way....


Quite a good piece of work considering it took
about 5mins to make....

You are the th visitor to view, admire, ridicule, puke, gasp, enjoy, steal, bla, bla, bla. Thanks

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