Means of Attack

Natural Weapons
Claw The claw is the Aliens most natural weapon and is usually the first choice when they attack. It's a slicing attack, limited to close range, but extremly deadly.
Venomus Tail A tail slash can stun even an armoured soilder at a distance of up to two meters. A tail attack is a drone second option when met in combat. The tail can come out of nowhere so it can be used in counjunction with the claw.
Extending Jaw/Teeth Devestating up-close attack. This is atack is a little slower than the others but given the Aliens speed its still fast. One bite attack can kill a Marine, but agaist a Predator its much harder to kill without multiple attacks.
Speed Have you ever heard of the phrase "Speed kills" well theres never been a bigger example of that since the Aliens. The speed of the Alien is unearthly and can easily come from behind without making a sound. The Alien is so quick it has been known to dodge flame thrower bursts and even machine gun fire.

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