CyberPunk is one way of looking at what the future might hold....the Dark Future....

Imagine for a moment what could happen if we reach a level of technological advancement that exceeds our capabilities to comprehend and control it. What happens when the machines begin to run things and man becomes so overwhelmed by the sheer amount of knowledge that he ceases to function as a human, becoming part of the machine. This vision of a world gone mad is known as...CyberPunk.

CyberPunk is a science fiction genre that has captured the imaginations of those of us living in the new age of Cyberspace, those who can toy with the idea of what the near future holds, both good and bad. Optimists are excited, pessimists paranoid. Writers like William Gibson and Bruce Sterling show us a glimpse into the virtual future where humans walk around with implants that link them directly to the Matrix, the world of Cyberspace where anything can happen at the speed of thought. Movies like Blade Runner and Johnny Mnemonic take us into the underworld created by the need for more tech that quickly slips out of our control. Humanity can no longer be taken for granted. Role Playing Games like CyberPunk 2020 and ShadowRun let us vicariously experience the madness and the thrill of living in a world where nothing is as it seems and reality is just an illusion. Forget Star Trek...we may not make it that far...

Within Cyberpunk Central you can explore the world of the Dark Future. In The Guide you'll find freeform roleplay conversions for both CP2020 and ShadowRun, including new roles and races, character generation, Night City and corp information, and a timeline for a combined system game. In Cyberpunk Cafe you can explore the freeform game of the Undernet's only Cyberpunk FFRP channel. Netruns includes links for the Cyberpunk culture, including game links, books, movies, and music, all chosen to give you a feel for the Dark Future. The Sierra Survival Message Board will be coming soon for those interested in a PBP (play by post) combined system game. Dataterm Transmissions is where you can leave your mark in the Cyberunk Cafe, Night City, for other Cyberpunkers to find.

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