Slick Business Raiders and Multi-Millionaires

Special Ability: Resources

The Corp's ability to command corporate resources

Career Skills: Awareness/Notice, Human Perception, Education (Business), Library Search, Social, Persuasion, Stock Market, Wardrobe & Style, Personal Grooming

Human Perception is the ability to recognize and understand non-verbal cues

Library Search is the ability to use databases.

Social is the skill of appropriate etiquette.

Persuasion is the Corp's ability to talk someone into doing what they want them to do.

Stock Market is the understanding required to effectively trade and follow stocks.

Wardrobe and Style is the ability to dress appropriately and look cool in whatever you're wearing.

Personal Grooming is the ability to maximize your appearance.

For other skill descriptions please see Skills.

Playing the Corp in FFRP:

Corps have one goal in mind at all times: make a profit. They will do it however it needs to be done, and damn the consequences. They are considered the ultimate enemy by most cyberpunks, the epitome of greed and corruption.

Subcatagories of the Corp role:

A corp who sticks mostly to the bloodless profit margin of the stock market.
A corp who takes down other corps, usually by getting inside information from a spy network.
Double Agent
A corp who works for one company above the table and supplies information to another for an under the table profit margin.




Jr Executive


Department Head

Division Head







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