
by Sheena, 2001

Disclaimer: The X-Files and characters are the property of Chris Carter, Ten Thirteen Productions, and Twentieth Century Fox.. No infringement on copyright is intended.

Please do not post or distribute this story without the author's permission.

Four items: dried flowers, orange juice,  freezing rain, electrical components


"Why does he have dried flowers in his office?" Mulder walked down the hallway of Cybertech's offices towards the elevators. Daniel Wayne Murdock was a suspect, actually he was the best suspect of everyone who worked in this very modern complex. Three top-secret projects had found their way onto popular hackers' web sites. There were no electronic signatures, no unauthorized use of terminals or access to the mainframe, no evidence that the corporate watch dogs could find and their methods were nothing if not thorough. Mulder had contacted the Lone Gunmen; they had jumped at the chance to play in Cybertech's backyard. Their help, however, was clearly rebuffed as famous hackers like the boys were persona non grata.

"What?" Scully asked as the elevator quickly dropped down several floors of the corporate complex. Freezing rain battered the glass and steel of the impressive foyer.

"On Murdock's desk there was a crystal vase it was full of dried roses." Mulder's voice was distant like he was connecting the pieces of a puzzle. The elevator silently slowed to a stop and the glass doors opened.

"And they were covered in dust like they had been sitting there for months and months," Scully added as she remembered the flowers and how out of place they seemed in the black leather and chrome d�cor.

"He's only been in that office a month." Mulder looked towards their car and back at Scully, no jackets, no umbrellas. Nothing like the feeling of ice cold rain running down your spine to bring your anxiety level up to 100%.

"So why are they there and why are they covered in dust? What is the dustiest place in your house, Scully?" A small smile appeared on his face as he knew very little dust graced his partner's tidy home.

Scully looked at him speculatively, wondering where he was going and how this line of questioning was relevant.

"The stereo, the VCR, the computer...." She trailed off as she realized where this was leading. Her own face sprouted a smile. "Anything with electrical components," she finished.

"Shall we just wander back up there and ask him if he planted a camera in his pretty little flowers? Or shall we say 'Gee, do you know what is in there, Danny boy?'" Mulder asked as they turned towards the elevator once more.

"What's your guess? Did he plant it?" Scully asked as they retraced their path.

"I would be willing to bet that he was the plantee," Mulder said with a confidant tone. "He has the perfect motive. His department was downsized three times in five months. His salary was reduced and his projects scaled back. He is on his way out the door. Why not take some company secrets with you as a little corporate revenge?" The elevator slid open and they entered. Mulder leaned against the wall his arms crossed over his chest smugness radiating.

"Okay, here's the bet. If it's him, if he planted the monitoring camera, I'll buy dinner. If he can prove he didn't then you buy," Scully suggested, entertained by his determination.

Mulder slid his hand over the stop button on the control panel and the elevator lurched to a stop.

"If I'm right you'll buy?" Mulder asked leaning forward nose brushing aside the strands of hair at her neck. The silky softness of her skin welcoming him.

"Yes," she answered a slight blush creeping up her neck. Mulder smiled broadly at the much sought after reaction.

"Make it breakfast and you have a deal." He pulled back releasing the elevator. A satisfied smile joined his confidant stance. He turned and walked out as the doors slid open. "Oh and Scully? I like my OJ with no pulp."

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