Inner Time - Thoughts from the Year of Hell ENDING

by Sheena (Micca), 1997

Disclaimer: Star Trek Voyage and its characters is the property of Paramount. No infringement on copyright is intended.

Please do not post or distribute this story without the author's permission.

Notes: This is the final scene for Inner Time (after the reset button was pushed). Please send comments to [email protected]


Janeway looked at the backs of her senior staff as they rushed out of the new astrometics lab and into the corridor beyond. No one, least of all the captain and her first officer, had wanted to be caught listening to the EMH's long and rather involved stories of his effect on the crew. The crew where glad that the Doc had been working on developing a bedside manner but all things in their proper time.

From behind the main computer console where Janeway stood she pulled a wine bottle that she had surreptitiously placed there at the end of her shift on the bridge. The wine bottle now stood on the console paired with two fluted wine glasses. Glancing at them this suddenly seemed a bit more seductive than was her intention. What was she doing alone in this amazing new lab with Chakotay and a bottle of wine?

She tried fruitlessly to control a blush that was rising up her neck. When she noticed that he was looking at her carefully she could sense his uncertainty. His question was on his lips, in his eyes and then he was beside her. She marveled at the ability he had to move with such intention. He was so close to her that she could feel his physical presence but he didn't touch her.

Janeway moved to sit on the floor of the lab the screen above her. Chakotay ordered the lab lights lowered and sat beside her. It was remarkable, like sitting in an open field on a moonless night. As they sat, their breathing became synchronized and they found themselves lying on their backs bathed in starlight.

"Captain," Chakotay whispered.

She was unsure she had even heard him perhaps she imagined it. She rolled slightly to face him. His face told her he had spoken. He looked at her intently.

"We need to have a truce, this has gone on too long." His brow was creased. All that had passed between them seemed to rush up and surround them and then as quickly as it had come it was gone. Swept away into space. Out of their lives.

"Truce Commander," she said smiling, the impulse to reach out and smooth the lines from his face almost overcame her. She rolled away and watched the stars.

His voice came, again.


This time the whisper was husky, smoky, intimate. His lips were centimeters from her ear as he spoke the word. She felt a tingle run down her spine. She ignored him hoping that he would continue or go away she wasn't sure which.

Why was he doing this? This was more than their normal flirting but so was bringing a bottle of wine and only two glasses to the opening of the lab. She could hear him slowly sipping his wine. Her glass sat beside her barely touched. She was afraid it would go to her head and she would say something she would regret later.

"Truces are usually discussed and solutions agreed upon and then sealed." He was sitting now. How could he move so smoothly, quietly? She sat up to face him.

"We both know what the problem was and the solution is that we understand the need we have of each other." He knew she meant their command team needed each other, but a small smile escaped Chakotay's lips and he was rewarded with another blush.

"And just how will we seal our truce?" he asked. Watching her as he took a long sip of wine.

"I am open to suggestions."

The words where out of her mouth before she realized how unbelievably suggestive they sounded. Before she could pull away his mouth found hers and she could taste the wine from his lips across her tongue as he kissed her. He pulled away to watch her face. Her eyes had closed at the taste of the wine and the touch of him, she heard him sigh as he took another sip and shared it with her.

"A truce sealed with wine and a kiss," he said softly when she opened her eyes and looked into his. She raised her glass and smiled.

"I knew this lab was a good idea."


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