First Time

by Sheena (Micca), 1997

Disclaimer: Star Trek Voyage and its characters is the property of Paramount. No infringement on copyright is intended.

Please do not post or distribute this story without the author's permission.

Sheena's Notes: Thank you to Kath for her brilliant editing. This is the first time I've written something so short! Please send comments to [email protected]


It was a night like a thousand others. The hum of the ship, the voices of the crew, the noises of living and working in a community, it all came together and overwhelmed them. As they walked the corridors they could feel the pulse of the ship. As they walked side by side they felt each other's rhythms. It was lulling, familiar and peaceful. His hand was on the small of her back, her shoulder brushing lightly against his. As they rounded corners her hip would touch his thigh both feeling the tingle of the contact.

So they walked the whole ship in the short space of one evening. As they came closer and closer to the end of the tour they had slowed to barely a wander. They were deep in the very bowels of the ship - their ship. Their hands had somehow become entwined, palm to palm, fingers locked together, ignoring the connection as if it was not there. And suddenly there was nowhere else to go. The ship ended. They were forced to look into each other's eyes. Forced to see what might be there, or worse, what might not.

Chakotay maneuvered her to the wall of the sub engineering structure. This was the basement of Voyager under the engineering department. It was the farthest point on the ship. It was also dark and cool. And very empty. If one wanted to hide on a Starship this is where one would hide.

"Kathryn?" he asked, her name a question, a praise, an emotion.

She shifted under the intensity of his examination. Feigning relaxation she leaned into the wall, he followed. His hand rested on the wall above her head.

"Yes?" she answered looking away from him.

"Do you know where we are?" Chakotay brought his face closer to hers trying to catch her evasive eyes.

"Yes, in sub engineering." She still managed to avoid him.

"Kathryn Janeway, you are up against a wall in sub engineering. With a man. After duty hours. You do recall what that meant when we were cadets, don't you?" This time he touched her chin with a gentle hand. They looked into each other's eyes.

"Yes and your point Commander?" was all she could manage.

"As I recall this was the place that cadets came to have romantic liaisons." He said slipped his arms around her and guided her forward.

"I don't recall that." Her hands were on his chest; she was painfully aware of where his hands were, the circles that he traced on her back.

"I recall well enough for the two of us." He touched the line of her jaw with his lips and whispered into her ear. "I have a plan. Want to hear it?" She didn't answer; didn't move. "I will take that as a yes. First I'm going to remove your uniform. Then I am going to wrap you in my bed sheets and make love to you under the starfield in my cabin. Then I will fall asleep with you in my bed in my arms. And hope that tomorrow when I wake up that this wasn't a dream."


Kathryn couldn't remember how she and Chakotay got back to his quarters that night. She watched him sleep beside her on the floor of his living room. They had never made it into his bed. She looked up into the starfield and smiled. She had never had a liaison like this one as a cadet. But then she had never met Chakotay as a cadet.


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