First Name Basis

by Vicki James, 2002

Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 and its characters are the property of MGM, World Gekko Corp and Double Secret productions. No copyright infringement is intended.

Please do not post or distribute this story without the author's permission.


He hesitated at the doorway to the infirmary, certain he was in the right place but still unsure of his place in the SGC. His new uniform was the correct size but it wasn't yet a comfortable fit.

Janet looked up from the chart she was reviewing and noticed him.

"Mr. Quinn," she said, her face betraying no emotion. "Come in."

Heavy boots moved across the concrete floor as he joined her beside a bed.

"Please," he said. "It's Jonas. If that's permitted." He looked earnest. Hopeful.

Nodding as she motioned for him to take a seat Janet advised, "You're not military so people can address you more familiarly if they choose." It was clear she had not chosen to do so...yet.

"So why was I asked to report here?" Jonas queried. "Was there a problem found with the tests you ran when I first came through the Stargate?"

"No," Janet said, gently taking his arm to attach a blood pressure cuff. "This is just standard procedure to clear you for field duty."

"Field duty..." Jonas mused. "When I asked for asylum on your world I thought maybe I'd be put to use in a room somewhere translating text. I never thought I'd be asked to participate on missions through the Stargate. I'm an academic, not a soldier."

Janet smiled slightly, looking into Jonas's eyes with a pen light but not looking at him. "An academic, not a soldier," she echoed. "Neither was..."

When she clamped her mouth shut, not finishing the thought, Jonas supplied the name for her. "Dr. Jackson. I know."

"No, you don't," Janet bristled. "You didn't know him at all."

"I know he was a hero." The quiet conviction in Jonas's voice caused Janet to finally look up and meet his eyes. "I know he was the man I couldn't be when the situation called for one. He saved my life." Though not rising in volume his voice gained intensity. "Please don't think I'll ever forget that."

Their gazes held for a moment, in silence, but there was something akin to communication in their shared look.

"You're cleared for gate travel," Janet said, ending the wordless conversation.

"Thank you." Jonas nodded and moved to slide off the bed.

Janet forestalled him with a hand to his shoulder. Jonas's eyes moved to her hand and then back to her face. Her expression hadn't changed but her next words made it apparent her opinion had.

"Take care of yourself out there...Jonas."



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