
by Sheena, 2001

Disclaimer: The X-Files and characters are the property of Chris Carter, Ten Thirteen Productions, and Twentieth Century Fox.. No infringement on copyright is intended.

Please do not post or distribute this story without the author's permission.

Four items: confetti hearts, stone church steps, lust, and handrail


Scully stood at the top of the church's stone steps. She had attended this church for several years, going to mass when schedule and desire allowed. She had lit candles for loved ones gone and far away. She had come here to pray when she could not find clarity and she had received comfort. But she was here for another reason today, a reason that gave joy and that was something in short supply in Dana Scully's line of work.

Today she had been here for a christening. William Alexander Monroe was six months old and had screamed bloody murder when the priest had taken him in arms and performed the baptism. The holy water had splashed on Scully's face as the baby struggled to pull away from the stranger who held him. His parents were too overcome with pride to be embarrassed.

"I like this one all ready," the priest told them as he handed Will back.

The joy of that moment would carry Scully through many a hard day.


Scully looked down to see her partner standing at the bottom of the stairs leaning against the black handrail. She wondered how long he had stood there? Dressed in jeans and a leather jacket there was no file folder in hand so he didn't look like he was about to drag them out of town.

"Mulder," she answered.

A small smile played at the edges of his mouth, a tease in his eyes.

"Confessing to your priest, Scully?" he said as she walked down the stairs to join him.

"Me, what do I have to confess?" She started towards his car that was parked at the curb.

"Well, let me see..." Mulder draped his arm around her shoulder and she stopped walking. "Greed? No. Corruption? No, not my Scully. Lust? Yes, that would be it; you have lusted after me for years. That has to be it, right?" The smile was now a bold faced grin.

Scully didn't pull away as they both would have expected. "Joy, Mulder. I was there celebrating joy." She looked down at their feet where tiny, red, heart-shaped confetti was sprinkled through the grass. "I confess to being here for joy and we need more of that in our lives."

Mulder wrapped both of his arms around her. His face in her hair, the familiar smell of her soap filled his senses. It seemed like hours they stood that way, celebrating and quietly taking hold of some of the fleeting happiness that something as simple as touch offered.

Mulder was the first to pull away. "Time to go back to work, Scully," he whispered as they separated.

Before he could move too far away she slipped her hand into his. "Work? Where's the file?"

"In the car. It's a good one, Scully." The grin was back. He opened the car door for her, dropping their hands.

She looked at the glee in his eyes at the thought of a new case. "I would be lying if I said I never had to go to confession, Mulder." She pulled the door closed at his shocked look.

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