
by Sheena (Micca), 1998

Disclaimer: Star Trek Voyager and its characters is the property of Paramount. No infringement on copyright is intended.

Please do not post or distribute this story without the author's permission.

Sheena's Notes: This story continues with the timeline set in The Grove of Siddhi. It is recommended that you read that first in order to fully understand this story.  Thanks to Kath and Vicki.  Also, thanks to Marden for her encouragement.  Please send comments to [email protected]


"Where the hell are we?"

Kathryn Janeway heard the words but she couldn’t quite figure out who was saying them or where the person who was saying them was. Her head hurt, her eyes hurt,

‘Oh God, I think my teeth might hurt!’ She closed her eyes and tried to stop the feeling of her whole body throbbing at once. Then she realized that it was her voice that had asked the question. She opened her eyes again and found three bodies to the left of her. All in uniform, alive, if breathing counted, their chests rising and falling in steady rhythm. Struggling into a sitting position she realized that the one closest to her was Taruk, then Paris and finally Commander Chakotay. He seemed to be struggling to awaken.

Having an almost identical experience to the Captain’s, Chakotay managed to get to his feet and check on Taruk and Tom. Pulse strong and breathing surprisingly peaceful. He looked over and into Janeway's eyes. She was afraid but her composure was intact.

"That was not a Voyager transport; it felt a little rough." Chakotay pulled her to her feet holding her just a moment longer than was really necessary, daring to caress her arms. She smiled, in spite of the situation. He released her.

They seemed to be on a moor, a low sprawling hillside that was framed by gentle mountains in the distance. It would have been very lovely had they been here by design not mystery. There were no dwelling or life forms to be seen. Janeway on reflex tapped her comm badge and was greeted by soft static. Her sidearm, tricorder and the away team emergency pack were all in place. The four person team had been in the middle of a beam down to an uninhabited M-class planet when they found themselves here.

"Chakotay, did you review the sensor report for the planet?" She glanced down at Paris who was starting to stir.

"Yes and this is not the same planet. The climate is wrong and the general flora and fauna description is totally different. The report read sub-tropical rain forest."

Paris and Taruk had struggled to their feet supporting one another.

"Where the hell are we? … Sir?" Paris managed, remembering to adhere to command protocol.

"Wherever we are, we'd better find cover - the sky doesn’t look promising." Kathryn examined her tricorder. "There seems to be some kind of a rock covering. Could be a cave in this direction."

Without waiting for confirmation Janeway confidently strode off toward a hillside. The others followed.

The cave that the tricorder registered was more like a shallow indentation in the side of a hill. It did provide cover from the wind and rain that now blanketed the moor. It also took them into a less visible location. Chakotay and Taruk went in search of firewood, which was in ample supply. Paris assisted the captain as she tried to find an explanation for the interrupted beam down. The tricorder had a limited scanning distance but they were picking up the residuals of some type of transporter technology. The puzzle of why Voyager's long range scanners had not detected the advanced technology and why they could not contact the ship remained.

Using a well-aimed phaser Chakotay started a fire that began to warm and light the cave. The emergency kit contained sufficient food and blankets to keep the away team comfortable until the storm passed.

"This must be the other M-class planet in this system. I knew they were close together but this is strange." Janeway huddled close to the fire wrapped in a blanket, hunched over the tricorder. Her brow knit trying to discern the reason for the interruption in the transporter beam on a planet that their sensors reported had no warp technology.

The storm finally lessened and the sky cleared somewhat. The sun was slowly sinking in the sky providing a glowing red sunset that lit the cave entrance. Janeway and her away team literally jumped to their feet when they saw the figure suddenly appear at the entrance to the cave. Forming a square to defend from Janeway cursed her choice of a location to find shelter. They were not in the best defense position. The cave was wide open in the front. The area was faced with high ridges outside the opening. Their backs were protected but they had no means of retreat. The fire that they had lit provided little in the way of light to identify the intruder. The figure was large and seemed humanoid. The back lighting from the sunset increased the power of its presence.

"What do you want?" Janeway barked, no thought to diplomacy. The figure remained static, not even seeming to breathe.

"Who are you?" she tried again, unsure if the translator was working. She glanced towards Chakotay and touched her comm badge. It buzzed quietly on his chest. Though she knew they were not in contact with Voyager this confirmed that they were in contact with one another and the translator was operating. She nodded to him, their unspoken communication in action.

Chakotay moved carefully forward, weapon holstered. Face open, operating from a position of peace and non-aggression.

"We mean you no harm." His words seemed to hang in the air just for a moment. The figure almost imperceptibly shifted its weight. Chakotay moved slightly forward again and stopped.

"Why have you come here?" The voice was rich.

'Young,' Janeway thought, 'This person is very young .'

Confidence seemed to exude from the presence.

"We’re on a journey and lost our way. We only want to get back to our ship," Kathryn answered, moving to stand shoulder to shoulder with her first officer. Chakotay's self-possession and her strength made for an effective negotiation team.

The limited range of their tricorder had given them a first contact scenario if needed. There was a large body of water similar to a terran ocean within 80 kilometres of their present location. A shipping port was located farther along the coast line. Shipwrecks would not be unheard of. It was essential they not contaminate a pre warp civilization. If this was indeed a pre warp civilization.

The figure turned its back to them.

"Come with me," the voice demanded.

Janeway bristled at the demand. Chakotay subtlety touched her hand and glanced into her eyes. She calmed.

"Why?" she asked evenly.

In a fluid movement he turned, pulling a sword from a hidden sheath in the back of his cloak. The tip of the sword penetrated the skin at the base of Chakotay's neck, drawing a long shallow cut. Janeway battled with herself to not pull her phaser and stop him . The light of the fire gleamed off the blade, menacingly. As the sunset faded the face became more visible. He was a very young man.

"You are not in a position to ask questions." His voice was a low growl. His eyes bore into Janeway's. She matched his glare.

"There are four of us," she answered, blue eyes locked to blue eyes, soft voice full of challenge.

His eyes sparkled with unexpected humour. Behind him, signaled by some subtle clue, twenty figures appeared on the top of the ridge in front of the cave. All had weapons drawn and trained on the Voyager crew. Janeway released the stare and backed down from the challenge. Now was not the time.

An hour later Janeway took stock of their situation. It was not looking promising. The only thing that was clear was this was not a warp civilization. These people were dressed in crudely woven cloth and tanned animal hides. Their weapons were variations on metal swords and cross bows if current evidence was reliable; they were pre industrial revolution race.

They found themselves trekking through the middle of what seemed to be a large forest. Most of the trees were hardwoods. Terran equivalents would be oaks, maples and ashes. It was dense but still passable. The band of men that persuaded them to leave the cave had bound their hands behind them and were leading them through complex trails. As the trees thinned the away team was lead into a small clearing. Afire burnt brightly in a hearth of rock. A dozen ramshackle dwellings bordered the fire. The odor of the place took Janeway unexpectedly. Smoke food sweaty bodies decay. This was no pleasant pastoral country village this was dirt and poverty.

"Who are you?" Janeway demanded as they reached there destination. She had had enough of the wandering through the brush with this gang of youngsters. They looked underfed and disorganized. There leader turned to her.

"For someone in such a precarious situation you are very demanding." His answer was sharp but the face of the man was soft, almost amused.

"That will be enough, little brother," a woman said as she walked from the trees into the centre of the camp. Every man in the camp seemed to straighten slightly but no one met her gaze. "Graon you are not treating our guests with respect. Remove their restraints and bring food and water." The tone in her voice was gentle and rich.

Her instructions were obeyed instantly. The fire was stoked up to a roaring height, wooden platters of food appeared from the dwellings circling the camp. The restraints on their hands were cut. A lone women in a group of men, she was obviously in charge. She was far from physically imposing. Built not unlike her brother, broad shouldered, physically strong but not with the height and power; she was just slightly taller than Janeway. All the men in the camp were fair haired like the captain and Paris. This woman had raven black hair as dark as Chakotay's and it swung down to her waist. Her eyes were sleet gray, the colour of the moon that orbited the planet. There was a certain aristocratic way about her that seemed out of place.

With her hands free Janeway had a chance to focus on her crew for the first time since leaving the cave. Chakotay, other than the painful cut on his neck, and Paris were composed. The expression on Taruk's face was disturbing. He was spellbound. He could not keep his eyes off the women who had joined the party.

"Taruk?" Janeway said softly, standing beside him. He didn't move, in fact he looked like he had seen a ghost. It took the touch of Janeway's hand to get his attention. "Taruk are you all right?"

He looked at her as if she had sprouted wings. Astonishment crossed his brow.

"I am fine," he managed.

Chakotay looked at her quizzically. She signaled that everything was fine.

"I am Rachila. I must apologize for my brother, he is young and dramatic. He only wishes to protect us from the ones who try to control us." Rachila graciously lead Janeway to the fire. Silence covered the camp like a cloak. Every one watched the interaction between the two woman.

"You are not from the Overlord. But your ways are strange to us." These were not questions, they were statements said in the utmost certainty. She studied Janeway as if she was analyzing data , data that only she had access to.

"We accept you here. Welcome to our home. What we have is yours." She opened her arms and from the darkness around the fire faces began to appear. Young men and women, smiling faces, worn faces, tear-stained faces. The faces of people who had lost every thing. Hands reached out to shake their hands. There was an atmosphere of great trust and welcome. Janeway looked at the people around her, startled at their acceptance merely on this woman's statement.

Rachila lead the away team into a some what quieter area of the camp they sat around a smaller fire.

"Again I must apologize for my brother. He is very young and the changes in his life have not increased his self-restraint. He did not harm you?" Her voice was full of genuine concern for their safety.

Almost in spite of herself Janeway felt her eyes flicker to Chakotay's neck. The bleeding had stopped but the cut was inflamed and caked with blood. Rachila's eyes followed Janeway's. Chakotay shifted slightly under the gaze of the two women. A look of sadness and then one of empathy passed over the woman's face. In one liquid motion she moved towards Chakotay and placed the fingers of her left hand on the wound. Kathryn watched, astonished. The look on Chakotay's face she had only seen once before; the memory of their time together on Taruk's world rushed over her. When Rachila removed her hand the wound was gone. Janeway reached out and touched where the wound had been. Chakotay smiled sheepishly knowing Janeway recognized the look on his face. Realizing that she and Chakotay were staring into each other's eyes Janeway, looked away, collecting her thoughts.

"How did you do that?" Janeway asked quietly.

Rachila cocked her head in confusion, her face concerned.

"You have no healers among your people?"

"Yes, we have people who heal, but with medicines, not with touch," Chakotay answered.

"I, too, use medicines from plants that grow around us. There are things that are best left to the hand of the gods. But for many things the gods have blessed me with a gift. When a person is injured I can heal wounds, relieve pain, absorb suffering. I see thing differently than others. I know when people are pure of heart and when they lie for their own gain." She said this casually, assuming that this knowledge would clarify the situation. Realizing that they didn't understand she added, "You are not from this place." Her words were not a threat but contained great concern.

"We are from very far away. We are here by accident and only want to return to our people. Can you help us?" Janeway asked.

"Yes, we will do everything that we can. I must tell you that we are in conflict. It may be dangerous for you to stay among us. My people are oppressed by my uncle the Overlord. My Father is a good King; he wants his people to be happy and free from war. He refused to become involved in the wars of our neighbours; he was open to trade but would not support one faction over another." Rachila's words where ernest and carefully choicen.

"My Uncle Waddler was another matter as he wanted to join in the fighting. He wanted to raise arms and expand the holdings of the Kingdom. He counseled, argued, and badgered my father at every turn. Finally in a fit of rage Waddler took his men and left the castle vowing to join with the King of Boynton to overthrow my Father. It was on that very night that the sky exploded with fire and metal fell. Waddler and his men found the ship that possessed the Magician." She paused trying to control the anger in her voice. Taruk listened mesmerized, there were so many parallels with his own world.

"The Magician and her minion gave my Uncle weapons that disintegrate matter. Devices that can move people from one place to another and the ability to communicate over great distances. Within a month my Father lost his throne and is now imprisoned in his own home. Waddler has been taking the young men from villages and forcing them into military services. He is taking a full half of what the people produce and selling it to buy weapons for his army. He has aspirations to conquer the Kingdom of the Boynton."

"So here we sit a band of frightened outlaws, men and women running from the Overlord as he calls himself. Trying to keep him too busy to start a war that will kill our brothers and sons."

"Did you see what it was that fell from the sky?" Chakotay asked. Intrigued by the unfolding mystery.

"When my Uncle defeated the castle he brought a very large sled pulled by a dozen horses. The cargo was covered and hidden in a court yard. It was under heavy guard but I managed to catch sight of it. It had numbers and letters that were unfamiliar to me but there was a symbol on the side." She picked up the a stick and drew a crude rendition of Starfleet insignia. The Voyager crew men looked to Janeway shocked.

"Rachila, it is possible that the technology that the Magician has is from our ship, lost or stolen from us. We intend to get it back." Janeway's voice was soft, supportive. The younger women smiled grimly.

"We fight to win my Father's release and free our people from the magic of the Overlord's magician. I leave you to consider and to rest. Bran, see that our guests have somewhere to sleep." A boy appeared. With that she again disappeared into the darkness beyond the light of the fire.


Two hours later Janeway and Chakotay sat across from one another at a makeshift table in a small shack. The floor was earth and the walls were barely more than stripped branches but the thatched roof kept the light rain from falling on them. A fire burnt in a crudely constructed fireplace. Paris and Taruk lay fast asleep on straw mattresses on the other side of the room.

"I don't understand the readings that Tom and I are getting. The tricorders indicate that something some kind of transporter system interrupted our transport and pulled us here. The readings identify it as Federation technology but not Federation technology. Does this mean our equipment is malfunctioning or whoever it is that has the shuttle pulled us here on purpose? Maybe they were trying to break though the planetary static to make contact and pulled us here by accident." Kathryn ran her fingertips from her forehead to chin and let them rest on the bridge of her nose. Pausing for a moment she looked up at Chakotay.

"We do have some problems to work out." He pulled off his comm badge and tapped it fruitlessly. She shared his frustration.

"I think our inability to communicate has to do with the structure of the base rock in this hill range We have come into contact with minerals that cause static in our communications systems before. But this is different; it not only affects communication but sensors and probably transporters - yet only from space. Our comm badges and the technology of the Magician obviously works on the planet. This effect must be a combination of the minerals and something in the upper atmosphere. The good news is that the rock plate doesn't extend more then 80 kilometres from here. There are thinning places where the interference is greatly reduced. If we could get to one we could set up a communications relay. We could send a message to Voyager."

Kathryn watched him silently waiting she knew that something was coming. Some worry was eating away at his calm center.

Chakotay looked at her for a very long moment.

"We know someone has technology and is trying to integrate it with their own. But who has it? When did they get it? And how did they get here?" Chakotay's words were full of worry. Over the years in the Delta Quadrant they had lost equipment, materials and shuttles. In fact they had left a small but distinct path of Voyager relics across the quadrant. Recovery of items was a priority but in some case the technology was lost to them.

Kathryn watched the emotions pass over his face. When they were alone his impassive non affected facade slipped away and she could read him. She reached across the table and took his hand.


In the morning as the sun rose Taruk made his way into the clearing. He was, in fact, looking for Rachila. He had many questions and she was the only person that could answer. Taruk then carefully and quietly made his way through the camp. It was built on bits and pieces, found things, poorly and quickly constructed huts gathered together in small groups. Piles of firewood with no protection from rain water, latrines dug too close to the water source, improper disposal of garbage. Taruk was not a military man by any means but he could see the vast problems with this encampment. As he surveyed the camp, Rachila appeared beside him. He had seen and felt her presence and was not surprised when she appeared as if from nowhere.

"That must really scare the natives when you do that!" he said without looking or turning in her direction. He could feel the gray eyes burning into his back, not in anger but in extreme interest.

"I know who you are, Rachila, if that is what you were called before …" He stopped without ending his sentence. She walked around to look into his eyes.

"Before I was born Rachila I had another name, of course, we all do but I'm Rachila daughter of King Brooke. That is who I am here; my people know me as no other. I would consider it a great favor if you would not share your knowledge with them. I am working very hard to make a life here and to help them. Biologically now I am one of them and they are my cousins." She stepped forward and placed her hands on his chest. "You are Tranquil?" She watched him carefully.

"Yes I'm one of the few Tranquil who are left. There was a holocaust, a few of us escaped." Taruk's words were full of sadness, of loss. A long silence passed between them. A silence that was shared.

"Rachila, I will have to tell my captain. She and her kind do not understand the whys and the hows of more spiritual ways. They only want to retrieve what is theirs and leave this world untouched. Please tell them your story and help them."

The power of her engulfed him. He found himself drawn into her eyes, he could not look away. The activity of the camp had begun he knew that he should return to the hut and join the others but he could not draw himself away from her.

Suddenly she released him he stumbled backwards almost losing his balance at the lost contact.

"Very well they may have my story. Then I will arrange for them to be taken to my Uncle. But it will take time and I will not let them endanger our fight." She turned quickly and walked into the woods.

As she disappeared Taruk released his breath. The passion and longing that she created in him was far beyond the sexual it lived on another level. He stopped beside a large tree and tried to regain his composure before joining the Captain and the away team.

"Captain, I must speak to you, it is urgent," he said. He found his crewmates sitting at a long wooden bench eating a spare breakfast with several of the young men who had escorted them last night.

The away team following him to the edge of the forest Janeway look at him grimly concerned, worried.

"Yesterday you seemed very … affected by Rachila. Taruk is there something wrong?"

Taruk looked at Captain Janeway as if assessing the proper answer.

"There are stories among my people of travelers who visited our world when we were in our most primitive times. The stories tell us that the visitors gently herded us along. Our sense of religion was stroked into awareness. We were given gifts of knowledge and understanding that we may not have discovered for ourselves. To my distant ancestor's these gifts came from the gods. As we continued in our development we learned that these gifts were from other worlds, worlds eager to share their knowledge, to become our guardians. They were the Kenmity. We honored them, revered them, held them dear. Feast days and celebrations reminded us of their visits and gifts. Their teaching formed the basis of our religion." Taruk paused.

"When we archived space flight we met our guardians. It was a profound experience. They were, however, almost gone. Their civilization, not unlike what later befell my own, was all but destroyed. In an effort to maintain the race they sent members hundreds of light years from home to try to start colonies or join new worlds. To continue the work of nudging and inspiring peace and understanding. To help fledgling races accept that life is more than the just physical. Kenmity have amazing abilities; they can join a race in the most intimate ways." He looked from one face to the next. "Rachila is Kenmity."

"Taruk you have met one of your Gods." Chakotay's words were reverent.

"Yes, I have," he answered in an awed whisper.


Taruk explained that Rachila would arrange for them to be taken, as soon as possible, to the Overlord's castle. But she was adamant that she would not endanger her struggle to release her Father and restore him to his throne.


Janeway, Chakotay, Paris and Taruk sat in the hut they shared as Rachila spoke. Her voice was like music soothing and clear, measured and balanced a natural story teller.

"When I was a very young woman, the elders of my planet were afraid that our race would be lost. They gathered together the best minds of our people. The healers, the storytellers, the great thinkers and artists, and sent them away. In small groups they sent us to planets far from our home in the hope that when the destruction of our world was over our race and knowledge would survive.

"I was on a ship of one hundred souls. We were trying to reach the other planet in this sector that could support life but instead we crashed here. I was the only survivor. My mate died in my arms. The crew, my family, were all dead. My body was damaged and as a healer I cannot heal myself. I was going to die. I waited for my death to join them.

"But then I was found by Brooke. He was a young man then, only just taking over the reins of power from his own father. He moved heaven and earth, as he put it, to save me. He brought me to his castle, emptied his own bed, brought his private healer to my side and prayed over me to his gods that I would live.

"A young women in the castle was tending me and before I died I told Brooke that he would have a child by her if they were to marry and that child would be me. I promised that for his kindness and caring of me I would help him to be a good and wise King. He thought me an angel and did as I asked. My memory and my mind were reborn as the daughter of the King." She smiled remembering. "And now I help them I soothe and heal. I send them joy and peace. But with Waddler as Overlord I cannot help them grow. The balance has been disrupted."


Janeway worked on a way to contact Voyager.

It was decided that Janeway and Chakotay would travel approximately 50 kilometres, to a section of the planet where the rocky shield was somewhat thinner, and erect a communications relay. If successful the relay would reduce the interference and send a repeating message to Voyager, giving them at least an approximate location and evidence the away team was still alive.


As they made camp the first night Kathryn busied herself with a tricorder trying to find the weakest part of the rocky shield of the planet.

"Another half day and I think we will be in a good position to set up the communications relay." She fiddled away with her makeshift relay going over and over the settings. Finally Chakotay could stand her tinkering no more and firmly but kindly took away the relay.

"Kathryn, have something to eat."

He brought over a small plate of food and a cup of water. The food was bland but the water was fresh and very cold. She took several long slow sips from the cup before handing it back to him. Placing his lips were hers had been he smiled over the top of the cup at her. When she realized that she was watching just as closely she looked away.

The fire that they had built burned bright and warm well into the night but some time just before dawn, Kathryn felt Chakotay moving towards her blankets in hand.

"Are you cold? I could hear your teeth rattling from the other side of the fire."

"As a matter of fact I'm freezing." She pulled the blankets around herself shivering.

"Let's conserve body heat," he suggested trying to keep the amusement out of his voice. He put three pieces of firewood on the coals of the fire. Not waiting for an answer he removed her blankets and spread them on the ground. He lay down next to the fire and waited for her to lie beside him. When she did he pulled his own blankets over them and pulled her close wrapping her body with his own.

Soon they were very warm but neither went back to sleep. Both too distracted by the feel of each other's bodies and the shared memories of their last night spent in each other's arms made them unable to sleep. It had been three months since they had been together in the Grove on Taruk's world. Both wanted to continue the relationship but were unsure of how to proceed. They had spent time together and on several occasions each had kissed the other but there hadn't been time to talk about advancing the relationship and about how it would effect the crew and their command team.

The amazing thing that had happened between them was that their effectiveness as a team had not broken down. In fact, it had improved. Kathryn was surprised at this; she had worried about their ability to relate to one another if they started to bring their personal feelings into the light. But instead what had happened was because they had acknowledged the fact that they had feelings (even unresolved feelings) for each other it was easier to identify what was personal and what was business.

"Kathryn," Chakotay whispered in her ear. She had her eyes closed but he knew she was not asleep. "See the sunrise." They watched together for some time. "Nice way to wake up," he said his breath on the back of her neck. He turned her gently in his arms nuzzling into the lose hair at her neck as he very softly kissed her along the jaw.

"You're not looking at the sunrise, Commander," she answered feigning a stern voice.

"What sunrise?" he asked, covering her mouth with his. When he had finished the kiss he helped her to her feet and smiled. "I know. First we work."

"There will be a time Chakotay," she promised stroking his face.

The placement of the communications relay was made and seemed to be working effectively. It gave Voyager and Tuvok instructions on where they were and the situation. The instructions told them not to come to the planet until they heard otherwise or until the situation warranted it. A request was made to see if they could track down the source of the interference of the transporter.


On board Voyager when they received the communication a collective sigh of relief could be felt echoing through the corridors of the ship. Tuvok had all but exhausted the search protocols on the planet to which they had intended to beam the away team. They had not only searched but also gathered the abundant food supplies. He had further extended their stay by mining for ore and he had all but invented a search for medicinal herbs that the doctor required. But he could put off the inevitable no longer - the away team was lost. The message from the surface of the second M class planet thrilled the ship. Tuvok however was still very concerned.


Paris, Taruk and Rachila joined Janeway and Chakotay when they returned to the camp.

"As far as we can tell they should be receiving our message. That is, if they are still there," Janeway told the others.

"There are still there." This from Graon, he had walked up behind them unannounced.

"I beg your pardon?" Janeway asked sharply

"I have eyes and ears in the Overlord's house. I have eyes in many places. They overheard the Magician. She was surprised that the ship Voyager was near our land. She planned to make contact with it. Is the Magician from your kingdom Captain Janeway? Perhaps you could share with us some of the magic that the Magician has with my Uncle. The magic that has made my Father a prisoner in his own house." There was suspicion in his voice. For the first time Janeway could see the anger in this young man.

"I'm afraid I have no such magic, Graon. And as to our ship, she is well known as we have traveled to many places and met many people." Janeway's explanation seemed false even as it left her lips.

Graon smiled indulgently and left them. Janeway and Chakotay exchanged worried looks. It was beginning. They, too, were contaminating this civilization.

As they sat lost in their own thoughts voices could be heard outside of the doorway.

Bran flung open the door.

"Rachila the Overlord's men are attacking!"

Rachila struggled to her feet.

"Bran, take our guests to the cliffs behind the camp and keep them from harm." Rachila locked eyes with Janeway; they both knew that the Starfleet crew could not be involved in this fight, not yet.


Janeway watched in horror as the young men were cut down in front of her. The sounds of the battle were deafening, the screams and the clashing of metal against metal as people fought hand-to-hand meters away from where they hid. She could feel Chakotay and Paris straining to get into the fighting but she stopped them with a look.

"Now isn't the time," she whispered.

Death by phaser was so clean; death by sword was bloody and cruel. Just as the battle seemed to be at its worst it began to rain, not a light rain but a torrent, which turned the battlefield into a swamp of mud, gore and blood. Soon the men were knee deep in filth and unable to even raise their swords. Slowly they began to retreat, both sides disappearing into the woods dragging the bodies of fallen comrades behind them. Few of the wounded would survive. The wounds too destructive, too final.

Back at the camp Rachila, in a flurry of movement, had set up a triage center and was moving from person to person applying medicines and laying hands on victims of the fighting. Her face was pained and pale. It seemed with every touch of her hand a little of the strength that had seemed so limitless was ebbing away. Finally as the storm that overtook the battlefield started to withdraw, the bodies stopped coming into the makeshift hospital and the dead were carefully removed.

Taruk found Rachila sitting on the floor in the far corner of the hut. Her clothing was soaked with blood, her face dirty and sorrowful. He moved to her to touch and comfort her but she stopped him.

"No Taruk, I can not absorb the emotions the pain of one more person." Her words were icy.

"I have some small ability to soothe you, Tranquil ways." He tried to smile.

"You are most kind my friend but what is here," she touched her heart, "would kill Tranquil," she said and walked away into the darkness.


"I have come to a decision I want to surrender myself on the hopes that the Overlord will show pity on my brother and my people and let them find refuge in another kingdom."

Rachila's words came as a surprise to everyone. The fire circle transformed into a eruption of voices all speaking at once. Rachila, in the midst of the noise, brought her hands to her face, the tips of long elegant fingers barely touching her lips. Then releasing her hands, they glided gracefully forward, her eyes closed, a look of focused calm on her face. Her head dropped back slightly as her arms extended until she stood perfectly still. Silence overtook the room like a wave. The calm she sent engulfed them. Everyone stopped moving, speaking, breathing until she lowered her arms and opened her eyes

"This is not a matter open for discussion. You will pack up those that are left and make your way to the Kingdom of Ikona. I will negotiate with the Overlord to find you a new home. For now, my family, this fight is at an end. This day we have lost too many souls." There was no discussion; the crowd slowly drifted away.

After a long moment Janeway walked to Rachila's side.

"You aren't going to give up after all these lives have been lost." It wasn't a question; it was statement made without malice.

"I haven't finished fighting, Captain, I have just changed tactics." Rachila's smile was a grim one.


Rachila's plan was a simple one. She would give herself up to the Overlord's men and at the same time release her captives. This would free Janeway and Chakotay to meet with the Overlord as guest and not as the enemy. Paris and Taruk would travel to the communications relay, contact the ship, and hopefully be able to find away through the interference to come back to the planet to assist them.

"Rachila, I have to explain again that we cannot become involved in the fighting. It violates the law by which we live." Janeway was adamant.

"Captain, I understand. All I ask is that you take back what you think is yours, if indeed this is missing Starfleet technology that my Uncle possesses. Without the power that he now wields he will be lost and my father can return to his rightful place." Rachila's words seemed strange to Janeway. This woman was not of this world, at least her mind was not but her spirit was. She was one of these people.

"We will do everything we can to help resume the balance of power. We have no idea who these people are and how they got this technology. I can make no promises."

Rachila watched Janeway's face as she spoke as if measuring her honesty. Standing up she smiled knowingly and left them.

What followed happened with amazing speed. Overnight the camp was emptied. All items of value were stripped away and all that was left was a skeleton of the camp. Within hours of the people's departure they were overrun by the Overlord's men. Janeway and Chakotay were treated with the respect given to foreign heads of state. It was the treatment of Rachila that amazed them. No one would touch her. No one came within a meter of her body and demands for her to move were made respectfully. The trip to the Overlord's house was made on the run. Within three days journey they found themselves in a house of stone and wood faintly familiar to Janeway as an ancient earth castle would have been with the construction and the materials similar but distant.

When they arrived Rachila suddenly looked perfectly at ease. The large open hall seemed to be her natural environment in the same way the bridge of her ship was Janeway's. At the far end of the hall was a raised platform with a ornate chair placed upon it. In the chair sat a man of approximately 50 standard years dressed in lavish robes. His face was pleasant and reminded Janeway of young Graon's. He stood and smiled at them as if they were welcome guests.

"Captain Janeway, welcome to my home." He glanced at Rachila as he spoke as if to measure her response. There wasn't one. "I see that you have fallen into the hands of my rather rebellious niece. I hope she did not fill your heads with her youthful ideas of rebellion and injustices. Please come and meet my court."

Two young pages stood beside them and ushered them to the platform. From a door on one side people poured into the room. Food was brought; wine was poured. Janeway and Chakotay were shown to two large chairs opposite the Overlord.

He leaned towards them to speak.

"I'm so pleased to finally meet you. My Magician has spoken of the great Kathryn Janeway and her first officer Commander Chakotay on many occasions."

A look of puzzled concern passed between Janeway and Chakotay. This was someone they had met, someone they had interacted with - it wasn't just found technology. As if this was not menacing enough a hush fell over the room and a woman dressed in a scarlet riding cloak entered. The Overlord rose from his chair and moved to greet the late arrival.

"My dear, our guest have arrived."

Chakotay moved to his feet. He stood so still that he thought he could hear his own heart beating. The person in the red robes seemed too familiar, the way she walked, the tilt of her head. He shook off the feeling. It wasn't possible; he was just tired. Frustrated. Who wouldn't be frustrated stuck on this planet, out of contact, trying to figure out what the hell was going on? But what had made him start thinking of her? The women in the robes turned to him and pulled back the hood.

Janeway almost dropped to her knees, then she saw the look on Chakotay's face and wished that she was anywhere else in the universe than in this room with that woman and Chakotay. What would he do? What would it mean for him to see her again? They had never really talked about it. She knew he was angry that he had been used. Oh God, what if he wanted her back? Kathryn stopped herself she sound like a teenager in love. She was the Captain yes they had been together in the Grove but that wasn't a relationship; he was uncommitted man. But Riley Frazier had been his lover. She wanted to kill her.

The Overlord looked on in pleasure. He was unsure of the convictions of these Starfleet people but the shock and surprise on the man's face thrilled him. Was he, as Riley had said, an old lover of hers? That much was obvious. Did she have the power to control him the way she thought she did? That was not so clear. This women, this Janeway, was the one to control; she was clearly the one who possessed the power and the technology that he needed and he would get it anyway that he could. If he had to betray Riley to get it, so be it. She had been a wonderful diversion but with the power of the ship she had described he would have no need of that diversion any longer.

"Please excuse my manners. You have not seen each other in a very long time and you must want some privacy. Please come into my chamber you can reacquaint yourself." The Overlord opened the door to the left of his chair and ushered Chakotay and Riley into the room. With the skills of years of deception he managed to place himself between the captain and her first officer and whisk her back towards the hall.

It took Janeway a moment or two to find her figurative footing and consider what the Overlord had just accomplished - divide and conquer. It wasn't going to work. She steeled herself against the oncoming assault.

"The arrival of Riley and Orem has been a blessing to us, Captain. We are a world of simple people. The skills that she has brought us have stopped a rebellion that would have harmed us all. Her gifts have given us the ability to feed our families and to defend ourselves from the hostility of our neighbors. We are a people who only want peace. That is why it became necessary to remove my poor misguided brother from his place here at the table." He gestured to the head table.

Having now heard both sides of the argument Janeway had no doubt that her inclination to believe Rachila was correct. This man was morally repulsive.


The small room off the hall was quiet and lavish. Chakotay focused on the wall covered in tapestries that was directly opposite the door they had entered. He waited, his face an image of peace and calmness. He would give her no indication of the rage that burnt in his heart.

"You are angry with me," she said after a long silence. He glanced over at her and smiled slightly.

"You did what you had to do." He was not going to give her the satisfaction of his pain. He needed the information that she had. He needed to know how she had gotten here and what Starfleet technology she had. This was his responsibility and he would correct his mistake.

Riley's smile was relieved.

"I hoped you would understand, but as you can see it did not work out the way that Orem and I had planned. Not long after we relinked and formed the new collective, the Borg became aware of our existence. Several of our newly linked members reestablished the link with the collective as a whole. We had no choice. They came to the colony and started the reassimilation process. All our work disappeared as they took over again. Orem and I managed to get away and tagged a ride on a cube that was sent on a deep space mission before the war with Species 8472."

"Why were you not relinked with collective if you were on board a Borg cube?"

"We were not actually on board. We had your shuttle craft, Chakotay." She paused to let the information sink in. "We managed to stow away on the cube in the shuttle in the garbage and recycling area. On a deep space mission they carry and recycle a great deal and one tiny shuttle was not noticed among the tons of technology stored there.

"We did have two problems: the first was navigation, we had very little way of knowing where we were; and the second was food. We had stored as many rations as the shuttle would carry but it was our need for food that made us leave the cube. Orem managed to detect the class M planets in this sector and initiate a garbage dump as we passed the planet. In the process of being dumped the shuttle was damaged and we crashed here. Waddler the Overlord found us and we have been his guests ever since helping him with his problems and starting a life for us here."

Chakotay's rage had started to change it evolved into something far more complex. Anger, disbelief, fear and repulsion. Repulsion that he had shared this person's body and her mind and still had been so used. And her she was his own personal regret stroking his chest. Trying to seduce him all over again. This time Riley Fraser had lost her advantage this time he knew that he and Kathryn where meant to be together. The remembrance of the grove gave Chakotay the strength to not let lose his anger.

She stood very close to Chakotay. Her breath sweet and warm against his neck.

"I have missed you." She stroked his face with her hand. "I made a mistake. I should have taken your captain up on her offer and gone with you. It could have been wonderful."

Chakotay placed his hands over hers and gently removed them from his face.

"It would certainly be different … for these people if you had." His tone was cold. She pulled back as if he had hit her.

"Chakotay, I'm helping these people. Look at the way that they live! They needed our help; I have made a difference here. Their former King kept them in poverty, but Waddler is a wonderful visionary and wants to help his people move into a new age." On some level Chakotay knew that Riley thought she was right. He forced himself to smile a bitter and painful effort.

"I'm sorry it has been a very long day and I'm exhausted. Can we discusses this later?"

Riley smiled relieved, she needed him.


Janeway crashed around the room that was assigned to her. It was cold and damp and drafty but it was better then the shack that the four of them had shared in the forest. At least she could be alone. She needed to be alone. She was unbelievably jealous, an emotion with which she had very little experience.

Pacing up and down in front of the fireplace she didn't notice when the large wooden door to her chamber opened and Chakotay entered.

"I was wondering where you went. It is a little difficult to have a negotiation meeting without the chief negotiator." He watched her face, concerned.

She sat down with a jolt on the floor in front of the fire. Chakotay closed the door but didn't come any closer to her.

"I couldn't stand to be in that room for one more moment." Kathryn was surprised at her own candor as that was just what she had felt. It came out of her mouth uncontrolled by her brain. "The room was too crowded and noisy and I was tired." Her effort to lie was hopeless and they both knew it. She turned her back to him and tried to regain her composure. "Report Commander."

"The Overlord seems to have installed the Magician in his court and has no intention of releasing his brother."

Kathryn knew what Chakotay was doing. Telling her what she already knew, giving her time to think. He started to walk towards her. Her body stiffened as she felt him behind her, standing just centimeters away, his breath on her neck. He bent down and sat behind her. The fire warmed them and they sat soundlessly for several minutes.

"What are we going to do about this situation, Captain?" Chakotay's voice was barely a whisper.

"We are going to retrieve our technology, restore the balance of power that we disrupted, and get the hell out of here," she answered in her best command voice, trying to ignore the fact that all she could feel was the whisper of his breath on her neck and the radiating warmth of his body so close to hers.

"That isn't the situation I'm talking about Kathryn." He moved even closer but didn't touch her. "The situation I'm talking about is how you are feeling, I'm worried. I've never seen you like this before. You are so …" he struggled to name her emotions. "Angry?"

"Dismissed Commander!" she said, jumping to her feet and facing him. Looking down on him she felt slightly better when she saw his confusion.

She turned and walked towards the door. Scrambling to his feet he followed her. As her hand touched the door he gently but firmly pushed her against it. His body, twice her size, pressed against hers. Kathryn stood stock still.

"You are angry. I understand that, but talk to me about it, don't dismiss me." His voice was calm and controlled but Kathryn could feel his body tremble slightly.

Her first reaction was to push him away. In spite of herself she didn't move. Her body was remembering the first and only time they had been this physical with each other.

"Oh gods, Kathryn, you're jealous." His amazement showed on his face.

"Of course, what did you think? Chakotay, she was your lover. I can't help it. I know we are not together, that what happened in the Grove was just part of a ritual, and I have no right to feel like this but I do. I did when you brought her to Voyager and I knew the moment you looked at her the way I wanted you to look at me. Later when I found out how used you felt I was less …" Her words faded as she looked at his face. He was enthralled.

"Kathryn, she was never my lover. I had sex with her but it wasn't love making. It was fear and desperation and manipulation. It was psychological rape. I couldn't have stopped it. I never would have touched her if it wasn't for that damn link. Not only was she Borg but she wasn't you, I have only wanted you for so long." He released her moving slightly back.

"When I make love it is more then sex and when we made love in the Grove it was reverent and every moment I longed to tell you that I wanted you beside me every night. I knew what you would say, so I didn't ask. I couldn't take the rejection and I still can't take it. So I take my moments with you whenever I can but you needn't worry. I will never want Riley Frazier. Never."

With that he gripped her wrist and kissed her in a way he never had before. Aggressively, firmly, just boarding on controlling. She couldn't remember being kissed like that by anyone. She thought that she should fight against it but she didn't want to be the captain. Let someone else be in control just for once.

He pushed her against the door and started to mold his body into hers. He felt he had something to prove to her and his anger and passion and shame we're wrapped up together. The only way he could prove to her his loyalty was to make love to her right this minute. His mouth found her mouth, her neck, the small of her throat. Pulling away the robes that she wore he released her hands and ran his fingers over her throat and the smoothness of her shoulders.

He had intended to linger to slow himself down to taste and savory every inch of her skin but he couldn't. Her response, or more correctly her lack of response, drove him on. She was totally still, no movement, she didn't pull herself away, nor did she respond. She gave him total control over her. He knew this was a sacrifice for a woman so accustomed to controlling every aspect of her life and those of people around her. The robes dropped to the floor and revealed that she wore nothing underneath. This was better then he had dreamt.

"Oh Kathryn," he whispered, as he ran his hands down her sides caressing the smoothness of her breast and the curve of her waist the roundness of her hips.

Still fully dressed he stood back and admired her. As he watched her skin began to pale and she began to shiver as the room was very cold. Gathering her in his arms he brought her to the fire, lay her down on the rug, and covered her body with his own. Opening his own robes he pulled her inside and warmed her. She began to respond to him her body shivering but not with the cold. She ran her hands across his smooth chest and sighed in contentment.

"I'm going to make love to you, right here, right now, and then you can tell me if you still need to feel jealous. You can tell me who has my heart."

There was no need for prolonged foreplay; the last three months together on the ship not touching each other had left them both more than ready for this moment. Kathryn gasped a little and then released a moan full of pent-up passion, frustration and relief. As she gave herself over to the moment she wondered when they would have another chance to be together.

'Don't live in the future,' she told herself firmly, 'live for this moment only.'


On board Voyager, Taruk and Paris stood restlessly in the captain's ready room. Tuvok looked oddly misplaced there. Paris was gung-ho to take a shuttle, return to the planet, destroy the alien technology, collect Janeway and Chakotay and be on their way.

"Mr. Paris," Tuvok interrupted his rant. "The instructions that the captain gave both in her message and through you and Mr. Taruk are clear. She does not wish to contaminate this world any further then it already has been. With the help of the communications relay we have been able to reduce some of the interference. Therefore we must proceed with caution. We have determined that the technology that is on the planet is indeed ours. It has also been highly altered by the Borg."

Both Paris and Taruk looked shocked at Tuvok's revelation.

"This makes things so much more complicated," Paris answered.

"We believe the Starfleet technology is the shuttle that Commander Chakotay lost in his encounter with the new Borg collective and Doctor Frazier." Tuvok's choice of moments to pause would have been dramatic if it had come from any one else. "We cannot contact the captain. It was difficult to transport the two of you with assistance of the relay. We could not transport them even if we could find them and we cannot speak to them. They could be virtually anywhere on the planet. Our sensors are far from perfectly functioning. Short of sending down a shuttle and then scanning to find them, all of which would be a direct contravention of the captain's orders I can see no options except to wait."

"I can contact them." Taruk's voice was grave. In fact he looked a little ashamed of himself.

"And you saw no need to mention this before?" Tuvok asked bluntly

"I can make contact with Rachila. It is a very personal thing; it is reserved for ones who are mated but I can initiate the contact. She may be able to contact Captain Janeway and tell us their location and situation."

Paris was going to make a joke about premarital sex and decided against it.

"Please do so," Tuvok answered.


Chakotay spent the night with Kathryn, talking and planning what they were going to do in the morning. It wasn't until dawn that they decided upon a course of action.

"I'm not sure I'm up to facing Doctor Frazier without wanting to phaser her for what she has done here," Kathryn said as she was dressing, this time in her uniform that had been taken and cleaned. She turned and faced Chakotay who was still lying in the bed.

His arms were behind his head admiring the view.

"Call me crazy but you look so sexy in that uniform."

Kathryn blushed in spite herself and ignored him.

"I believe we have a meeting with the Overlord and his court unless you are planning on giving them all a thrill you best get dressed Commander," she tossed his uniform at him.

When Janeway and Chakotay arrived in the great hall Waddler and Frazier were involved in a rather heated debate.

"Captain," Waddler oozed as he caught sight of the command team entering the room. "We were just discussing you."

'I bet you were,' Chakotay thought. He was sure castle gossip had informed them where Chakotay had spent the night. The look on Riley's face confirmed his suspicions. Her face was brooding and angry, a moment of revenge passed over him. That wasn't what last night had been about. Now was the time to negotiate their way out of this mess not to play games.

"We are eager to continue our discussions with you Overlord. We may be able to help you with your technology needs but first I would like to examine what your current level of technology is. We have no idea what we can offer you unless we know what you have." Kathryn Janeway could be charming when required and this situation seemed to require it. Behind her she could feel Dr. Frazier steaming in anger; she ignored her. Standing next to Waddler, Kathryn smiled at him charmingly and slipped her arm through his. "Shall we?" she said. Waddler patted her arm and they left the room.

Chakotay, left alone in the room with Riley, had never felt so uncomfortable.

"Chakotay why are you here?"

"It was your transporter tinkering that brought us here and now we plan to get back to Voyager and leave. If we have to trade with Waddler to do it we will." This, though misleading, was true.

"I have advised Waddle that you are not to be trusted Chakotay I know about your loyalty to the prime directive. You have no intention of giving Waddler new technology." Her words were sharp.

"Things change, ideas evolve."


Rachila paced in her chamber. Her Uncle, more out of fear of what she was capable of then genuine desire to make peace with her, had given her free run of the castle. He had first found it necessary to inform her that any interference with his negotiations with the visitors would end with the death of her father. He was more then capable of caring out his threat.

Suddenly she stood stock still. She felt the first stirrings of the contact. It had been a life time since she had experienced the intimacy of such contact. Anger passed over her at first; this was an extremely personal joining. Instantly she realized it was Taruk that was initiating and she started to push him away.

'Taruk, stop!' Her thoughts held him back.

'I'm sorry, but it is urgent that we make a link with you,' his thoughts soothed her. She had forgotten the gentle nature of the Tranquil people in contact.

'Very well,' she answered, understanding.


Janeway rushed back into her chamber to find Chakotay waiting for her.

"They have the shuttle in a courtyard on the grounds of the house. It is damaged and there are so many modifications we may not be able to get it off the ground even temporarily. The communication system on board has been removed, I'm sure Frazier has it stashed somewhere. I also found out what pulled us here. She has jury-rigged a transporter and a sensor system together. She must have been trying to break through the static and make contact with passing ships to barter for or steal technology. Most of the systems on the shuttle are damaged. It would have stopped functioning with in a few months without spare parts. She has also pulled out key systems as if she didn't want anyone to try and take it. I think the best course of action would be to bring down a shuttle, take the castle as quietly as possible, and tractor the damaged shuttle. We will have to get to the communications relay."

Kathryn's planning was interrupted by a knock on the door. Opening it Rachila entered the room.

"Captain Janeway," Rachila spoke quietly to Kathryn. "I am in contact with Taruk. He is aboard Voyager and he wants to know how you wish to proceed." She handed them two comm badges, phasers and tricorders that Waddle's men had taken from them when they arrived at the camp.

"How are you in contact?" Janeway asked in disbelief.

"There isn't time to explain Captain but suffice to say that technology is not the only way that advanced races communicate with each other. What do you want them to do?"

"Have them come to the planet by shuttle, maintain a low orbit, at 18 hundred hours they are to transport the commander and me onto the shuttle and tractor the stolen shuttle and tow it to Voyager. They are not to land or make contact. Can you give them the coordinates of the shuttle?"

Rachila smiled slightly at the Captain.

"My people will be waiting in the woods. We will not attack until your technology is gone." She opened the door. "Thank you," she said. It seemed more like goodbye.

In the courtyard where the shuttle was stored Chakotay found Riley frantically reinstalling the parts she had torn from the craft.

"Riley, move away from the shuttle. I'm taking it back to Voyager," Chakotay moved slowly forward with his phaser leveled at her.

"I'm not giving up my life here Chakotay. I finally have what I need. You have a life on Voyager but I have only this pitiful planet and these backwards people but they need me to lead them into the future. You will have to leave and then I will simply return and put Waddler back in control. Leave now and save some lives."

The passion in her voice reminded him of how she acted when trying to reconnect the collective. This passion was what lead to the reassimilation of that world. It frightened him.

"Come with us. We can take you to a world where you could live and feel comfortable. There are many warp civilizations that need the kind of skills that you and Orem have."

"Orem? Orem is dead. I can't go anywhere else. Tell me, what warp race is going to accept a Borg? If I stay here I have to have that technology without it I'm as dead as Orem is. When we first arrived Orem tried to keep the technology to ourselves as he didn't trust Waddler. He was right. To prove that even though we had superior weapons dead was dead. He cut Orem's throat and promised me the same if I didn't cooperate. If I stay here without that technology I'll be dead in a matter of days. So you can take your precious prime directive and choke on it."

She ran towards the shuttle. His shot missed.


On the bridge of Voyager hands on hips Janeway faced the view screen and Riley Frazier

"Doctor Frazier, I'm sure we can come to some type of agreement. You have neither the supplies are power to get much farther."

"I'm willing to take my chances Janeway. I have no reason to got back to that planet. With Brooke back in control I would hardly be offered a warm welcome." She looked at Chakotay daring him to tell Janeway about their conversation in the courtyard before she took the shuttle. He did not respond.

"You could join us on Voyager." Kathryn almost choked on the words.

"I think not the last place you would want me is coming between you and your first officer now would you?" Every eye on the bridge whipped around to look at the captain's face. She was able to control her reaction, almost.

"Captain the shuttle is preparing to go to warp. It's warp core is unstable it. It will inn all probability explode." Tuvok's voice interrupted the sparring.

"Riley, your warp core is going to explode. Stand down your engines!" Chakotay spoke for the first time since they had established contact with the shuttle.

"No," she said simply and cut the comm link.

As they watched, the shuttle disappeared from sight followed by a flash of light as it exploded.


Taruk sat quietly on the floor of his quarters he had been trying to find his meditative place but it had eluded him for well over an hour. Giving up he closed his eyes and tried to prepare himself for sleep. He felt the wave. It immersed him. For one brief moment he thought that he would be swept away with the power of the connection . He had never known this powerful a touch. It took him several moments to regain himself. He found himself on a plain; vast open sky purple, pink and red rock face rugged wind swept.

Taruk was on the Kenmity home world. As he looked around him, he felt a presence next to him. Turning he saw Rachila.

"Welcome Tranquil welcome." She smiled, and moved towards him, her face radiant.

Taruk had never experienced a joining like this the intensity of the vision , the physical sensations. In fact, he thought he could even smell the dusty wind of the plain.

"I have overwhelmed you, Tranquil. I'm sorry." She soothed him with her thoughts.

"Yes, but I am honored that you have given me this gift."

"No, the honour is mine and the thanks. Taruk, my Father, is restored and we can begin to heal our land. Please thank your captain."

He smiled and they stood in silence for a time.


Taruk was surprised, amazed, thrilled.

"I cannot. My place is on Voyager." He had no other words he was unable to explain.

Silence once again surrounded them.

"Taruk, live well, my friend. For you." She broke the link but Taruk found himself alone on the plain. Suddenly, he was surrounded by voices, faces and feelings. He was touched, held, whispered to and loved by his family.


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