Christmas Presents

by Sheena (Micca), 1997

Disclaimer: Star Trek Voyager and its characters is the property of Paramount. No infringement on copyright is intended.

Please do not post or distribute this story without the author's permission.

Sheena's Notes: Thanks to Kath for her fixes. Please send comments to [email protected]


The chime on her door seemed to come out of the fog that had engulfed Kathryn Janeway's mind. Her desk was a cluttered mess of coffee cups and data pads. The floor of her quarters was a similar mess, her boots were in a tangled heap in the corner and her uniform jacket and turtleneck lay in a pile at the end of her couch. Damn, she thought as she walked to the door with not enough time to pick up even to put on her jacket. The door chime had already rung three times before she reached the door. Just what she needed, one of her crew to think she was a slob. She keyed open the door and suddenly remembered that it was a tad unusual for her to greet crewmembers dressed in a tank and bare feet.

'What the hell, slob, lay about, out of uniform, no difference,' she thought as the door slid open.

She smiled slightly when she realized who it was on the other side.

"Commander," she said, and turned away to avoid the slight grin spreading across his face. She was in full retreat. By the time he had walked into the room she managed to grab her jacket and was heading for the safety of her desk. Before she could escape he positioned himself between her and the desk and silently helped her slip on the jacket.

"No need to get dressed on my behalf," he said, his infamous smile, dimples and all spreading across his face. She managed to suppress her own grin, almost.

"Well, Commander, what can I do for you?" She felt slightly silly standing in her quarters grinning at him.

He settled himself on the edge of the desk long legs stretched before him hands in the pockets of his civilian cloths. A smug look was on his face; his eyes sparkling with mischief.

"It is not what you can do for me it is what I can do for you." He had fully intended the double entendre and took pleasure in her reaction.

She looked him over playfully sizing him up. She had to admit she liked what she saw. She always liked what she saw looking at him. He was far too distracting to be a first officer, in fact sometimes she felt he was all together too distracting to have on board at all.

She smiled to herself, she played this game all the time and enjoyed it immensely.

"Just what would that be Commander?" She moved step closer to him.

'I do believe I have surprised him,' Kathryn thought, as his over confident grin disappeared only to be replaced with a rather erotic turn of his mouth. She rarely saw that look and she liked it.

"Pick a hand." He had pulled his hands out of his pockets and held them in front of her palms down hands closed.

Kathryn looked at his hands, strong working hands, capable and confident. Nothing tentative about his hands. She wondered for a moment what they felt like. Feeling a blush spread across her cheeks she stopped the thought. What was wrong with her this evening.

She picked his left hand touching it intending to be quick but her hand stayed on his for a moment longer than she had meant it to.

He turned his hand up… empty. With a very quick movement he reached behind her left ear and pulled out a small package.

"For you," he said, leaning towards her.

"I always like magic. Thank you….but Chakotay didn’t we promise not to do this?" she eagerly opened the package despite her words. It was a holodeck chip.

"Merry Christmas, Kathryn," he whispered in her ear, his lips touching her so softly that she wasn't sure that he had meant to do it. He stood up abruptly and walked toward the cabin door.

"Where are you going?" Her voice full of surprise and a little disappointment. "Aren't you going to come with me to use the program?"

He stood his tall frame in the doorway.

"No." He opened the door and as it closed he said, "Call me when you are finished! I am dying to know if you will enjoy it."

Kathryn stood in her quarters astonished, it had been some time since someone was able to astonish her. Damn him getting her all interested and then walking out! She certainly wasn't going to run down to the holodeck and check out the program. She wasn't going to give into his little game that easily. Christmas wasn't for at least a week she could hold out that long. She tossed the clip up in the air, let him wait and see if she like the gift.


Two hours later

'Damn him!' she thought to herself. 'Why does he do this to me why do I let him do this to me?'

She rolled the chip around and a round in her hand.

"I give," she said as she pulled on a comfortable pair of shoes and left her cabin. "Computer, status of holodeck one?"

"Holodeck one is reserved for Captain Janeway."

How does he know me so well?


The program was lovely.

A long expanse of beach, winter beach. Barren, cold, wind swept. Pounding waves, gulls diving and hanging on currents of air, arbutus trees gnarled and bent by the wind and the sea. Sky in multiple colours of pale rose, slate grey and marble blue layered through wisps of stark white cloud. Kathryn slighted deeply at the sights before her. She loved the beach in the winter much more than in the summer.

This was Kathryn's idea of a day at the beach. The wind was cold on her cheeks. Her lips and eyes stung slightly from the salt-water spray. She inhaled a deeply satisfying breath. She called up a warm cotton sweeter, woolen socks and rubber boots.

It took her close to an hour to wander the area before she found it.

A cabin, more like a lodge, sat high above the beach, an A-framed structure with a deck running the length of the building. Stairs had been craved out of the base rock and Kathryn followed them up into the lodge. The door opened into one very large room. The room was warm and fragrant with the cedar that formed the walls. One end of the room consisted of a huge floor to ceiling fireplace, which was crackling and spitting heat into the room.

The rest of the room incorporated a long low couch that faced the fireplace. To the left was a deep large whirlpool complete with plush towels, assorted bath oils and candles. But the centerpiece of the room, the thing that made Kathryn's mouth water, was the bed.

Made from cherry wood, a four poster bed hung with sheer white curtains it looked out to the ocean view unobstructed. Thick silk tapestry covers and deep down pillows encased the bed in luxury. As she appraised her surroundings music floated into the room

"Mozart," she whispered as she filled the tub slipped off her clothing and floated into the unadulterated luxury. She would never have done this for her self. As she slipped into a pleasant trance a glass of rich red wine appeared at her side and the room lights lowered. He had thought of everything. After her bath she slipped in to the bed and as if it could read her mind the glass doors of the lodge side open and the room was filled with the sound and smells of a stormy night beach. She fell into a deep and relaxed sleep. When she awoke much later she had a plan.


"Commander Chakotay please report to holodeck one" Chakotay slapped the comm badge on his chest. He was still on duty, why was the computer calling him to the holodeck?

Must be some technical problem.

"On my way," he said and handed the bridge over to Tuvok.

Stepping into the turbolift he wondered if Kathryn had enjoyed the program that he had given her last week. It was Christmas Eve, he had hoped that she would at least have told him by now. Perhaps he had been wrong when he thought she was more of a winter beach person. Stepping out of the lift he was surprised to see Kathryn standing in the corridor.

"Is there a problem Kathryn?" he said puzzled.

"I have a little Christmas present for you Chakotay. Pick a hand!" she smiled shyly at him.

"I am still on duty." She had taken him off guard and she was enjoying it.

"No you're not. I am the Captain and I say you are not." The grin that danced across her face was very seductive.

He reached out and touched her left hand. She opened it and there was a very familiar holochip.

"I take it that you liked it." He inserted the chip into the computer and they stepped into the scene.

This time there was no need to walk along the beach they arrived in the lodge.

"So you are giving me my own program back for a present," he teased her touching her face with the back of his fingers.

"No I plan on keeping this program for myself but I may share it with you if you are nice…" She turned away from him and looked towards the bed. "Your present is over there Commander" She was rewarded with a look of astonishment.

His eyes settled on a package that was perched on the edge of the bed. Wrapped in purple and silver paper he blushed at his own assumption and picked it up.

Kathryn let him squirm for a moment longer and then sat down in front of the fire.

"Are you going to open it?"

As he sat down beside her she thought she caught a glimpse of disappointment. Carefully he pulled away the paper to reveal a white paper box.

He looked at her puzzled.

"Merry Christmas, Chakotay," she said as he pulled a simple black silk neglig�e out of the box.


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