Nanos are Different

by Megan H

Nanos are electric virtual pets, that can eat, sleep, play games, and get sick. Nanos aren't the original virtual pets(which are Tamagochis)they are a related figure of them. Nanos come in the colors of green, orange, clear, and purple. They are based on babies, kitties, puppies. You can find them just about everywhere. The reason I have chosen Nanos to do my website on is because they are basic. In other words, they stick with the same idea. Do you see Stars Wars Nanos, or101 Dalmatian Nanos? NO, you see them on a Giga pet. the Little Mermaid Giga pet, and a Kola Bear Giga pet. I have a Nano, Talking Nano, Giga pet, and a 8 in 1 and they all are different except the Talking Nano, and the Nano. They are both the same but the talking Nano talks. In features, they both have only a baby, puppy, and a kitty. Giga pets have a puppy, kitty, bitter critter, alien, monkey, Star Wars, Little Mermaid, Kola Bear, and 101 Dalmatians. You see they have a lot of things added, while Nanos are just plain and simple.

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