Naza, Stone Warrior #9

produced quarterly by Dell Publishing Co.
March 1966
Writer: unknown
Artist: Jack Sparling

Part 1:  Frozen Fear

After fleeing the mountain city of the Tartecs, the last of the
Gairn travel up into the high mountains.  Here they encounter snow and ice for the first time, and cold weather, as well.   Apparently, this puts Keena's nerves on end, because she asks Naza that she keep Roon from howling.  Naza is wiser than she, and realizes that the jackal-dog is signaling a warning.  They are attacked by a pumalike cat.  Keena stumbles into Naza, preventing him from throwing his spear, but the Lonely One slays the cat with his knife.

Moving on they come to a warm area.  Geysers of steam and hot water erupt from the muddy ground at dangerous intervals.  The Gairn flee this new menace until they come to some caves inhabited by a tribe called the Trelds.  These cave people are peaceful and invite the Gairn in with an offer of clothing and food.

Unfortunately, the whole area is near an active volcano.  The caves of the Trelds are frequently shaken by quakes caused by the unstable activity of the 'fire mountain'.  Coincidentally, with the arrival of the Gairn, the volcano increases its activity, causing lava to flow from its opening.  This endangers the Trelds, and the Gairn.  Naza recommends fleeing the area, but the lave had flowed in such a way as to block the way that the Gairn used to enter the valley of the Trelds.  The other way is past the "ice monster"; a way the Trelds refuse to go.  Naza asks to see the ice monster, and is pointed to a frozen lake.  He, Sola and Roon advance cautiously to investigate.

Indeed, there is a great dragon shaped monster moving sluggishly under the frozen surface of a lake.  Because of the dangerous lava creeping up on them from behind, Naza decides that the ice monster must be killed, since it bars them from escaping the inevitable death from the lava.  What he doesn't know is that Vang is watching him from above.  Seeing his chance to kill Naza, Vang rolls a huge boulder down on the two Gairn men.  It strikes the ice, putting a crack in it and stuns Naza and Sola.  Disturbed by the impact of the boulder, the ice monster rears its head up, smashing the ice, and focuses its eyes on the helpless Gairn.

Part 2:  The Fire God

As the ice monster inches its enormous muzzle toward the stunned Gairn, Vang laughs from above.  Naza recovers swiftly, grabs Sola and pulls his friend under water.  The ice monster crashes its fanged mouth onto the ice in the place where the Gairn men had previously been.  Naza and Sola manage to escape by scrambling out of the water.  They recover their spears and hurl them at the monster, but its skin is as hard as stone.  Then Naza speaks of his plan to force the monster back with fire arrows.  Vang overhears this plan and intends to use it to manipulate the Trelds before Naza can explain the plan to his new friends.

The devious Vang shouts to the Trelds from a hidden place.  He claims to be the 'Fire God'.  He advises the Trelds to shoot fire arrows at the ice monster to drive back its head long enough for the Trelds to run past the monster.  Then the Trelds can find new homes in a safer country.

When Naza returns to the Trelds, a few moments later, he begins to explain his plan to deal with the ice monster, but the Trelds inform him that the Fire God has told them how to defeat the monster.  It is the same plan that Naza has thought of.  Naza and Sola wonder about the identity of the Fire God, but Naza says that it is important that the plan be carried out swiftly.

They put the plan into effect.  Although the fire arrows cause the ice monster to rear back, the people are still afraid to run past it, until Vang, incites them to do so in the guise of the Fire God.  The Trelds and Gairn successfully pass the ice monster.  Behind them Vang barely makes it, still hiding so he can retain his power as the voice of the Fire God.

That night Keena notes how friendly the Trelds are and how good it would be to stay with them.  Naza advises patience.

Also that night, Vang rests nearby, and is discovered by a wandering Treld, a man called Lurt.  Vang kills him quickly and steals his necklace.

The next morning Lurt is found dead.  The Fire God voice says that he was slain by one of them.  Lurt's necklace is found on Naza's spear.  Naza is incriminated by the crafty Vang.  The Trelds rush to slay him.  The Gairn fight their way out of danger and  flee.
As they do so, the volcano erupts again.  A giant fissure splits the snow covered ground and out of it crawl a horde of gigantic insect like creatures.

Part 3:  Fiery Fate

The Trelds struggle with Naza, the lava from the active volcano pours down on them, and out of a newly opened fissure in the ground crawls an army of giant insects.  One of them grabs Keena. Naza knocks down one of the Trelds fighting him and comes to her aid, slaying the creature with his spear.

Still, the Trelds insist on getting "Lurt's killer".   Naza shouts his answer, do they want to get him or listen to his plan to save everyone.  They agree to let Naza live if his plan works.

The Lonely One instructs the Trelds to dig a trench in the soft dirt.  The trench will catch the lava and direct it into the fissure where it will destroy the insects.  Working frantically, this is accomplished and the insects are consumed in a river of fiery rocks.  Following Naza, the Trelds are led to high ground and relative safety.

Then Vang strikes again.  He speaks as the Fire God from concealment, and demands a sacrifice.  Of course the sacrifice is to be Naza and Sola.  This time the Trelds overpower the two Gairn men through the use of sheer numbers.  Keena asks the Trelds how can they treat Naza so viciously after he had just saved them, and they reply that it is what the Fire God wants.

They bind Naza and Sola and place them on a ledge just above the rising river of lava. This done, they run away to avoid the searing heat.  Roon stays with his master.

Meanwhile Vang speaks as the Fire God again, stating that he will send a human messenger to the Trelds, and that this messenger must be obeyed in all things.  Of course, it is Vang who steps forward. Keena shouts that Vang is only a Gairn traitor, but the Trelds stand by Vang.  He announces that Keena will be his new bride.

Roon chews on the ropes binding Naza.  When the Lonely One is free, he frees Sola and they both escape in the smoky confusion rising from the lava.  This smoke cover enables them to sneak through the Trelds, and find Keena, Mair and Vang.  Naza strikes Vang down with his fist and the Gairn escape.

Last words:  Keena, And to think, Naza, I had hoped we could settle and live forever among the Treld, continuing our line in their camp."  Naza, "You were not wrong to hope, Keena!  But never let hope blind you to truth.  The road of the Gairn is a long one...we have but taken a single step."


Once again Naza's superior intelligence and leadership qualities aided a primitive tribe, whose superstitions and ignorance precluded them from appreciating the Lonely One.

One thing that is unusual is the appearance of giant insects.  This is not the first time such creatures had appeared in the Naza tales, and it is a remarkable departure from the animals that truly lived in the Neolithic Period.

copyright by Rod Hunsicker 7-27-98
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