Mighty Samson #2 June 1965

Story 1: The Riddle of the Raids

Art: Thorne

Kull the Killer crosses the Huzon River into  Jerz, what was once called New Jersy.  Here  Terra , the Queen of Jerz,  recruits him and his band of thugs.  She needs more nuclear batteries to power her preserved underground shelter/fortress.  She is the last of a family that had lived for generations in the shelter with the benefits of Civilization's technology.  After demonstrating her power with her electropod a device that can stun most living creatures , Terra gains Kull's reluctant allegiance.

Using her hovercraft (which resembles a flying saucer), Terra transports her thugs back to N'Yark to discover and recover a new supply of atomic batteries.  When  Samson wanders by,   Kull tries to kill him by dropping a Nuclear battery on the strong man.   Samson is unharmed, but has to dispose of the leaking battery by hurling it into the river.  Meanwhile Kull and Terra load a supply of batteries and return to Jerz.

When Mindor hears of the incident, he and Samson look for and discover the supply of batteries.  Kull returns for a second shipment of batteries and battles  Samson.  One of his men hurls Mindor into Samson, and they gain time to escape.   Samson is bewildered how they could have disappeared so quickly, not knowing they have the hovercraft.  Back in Jerz,  Kull tells Terra he has 'taken care' of Samson.  She orders him to go back for another load, since Samson is dead.

Crafty, Kull lands farther away, and uses the still running subway to return to the battery warehouse.  Again he encounters Samson, but escapes on the subway.  But the swift muscleman manages to catch up to them as they load their batteries onto the hovercraft.  They escape, but now Terra knows that Kull failed to  take care of Samson.

Story 2:  The Maid of Mystery

Deciding to investigate this mysterious woman, Samson crosses the Huzon River on what remains of the George Washington Bridge.  It is seriously broken up, so Samson climbs up and crosses on the top of it supporting structure.  He is attacked by a giant batlike monster and is forced to jump into the river.  Eventually he swims to  the other side.  After turning a Titano-Turtle on its back, he is captured by Terra when she stuns him with her electroprod.

In her stronghold, Terra offers Samson a partnership.  He is to be a King,  and she the Queen.  Samson refuses.  He helps the weak, not rules them.  He is placed in a large room with an octosaur, which he kills by breaking its jaw.  Smashing his way out of the stronghold he disables her hovercraft.  But the mutant monsters of her private zoo have escaped and stampede toward Terra, who is trapped at a cliff's edge.  Samson rescues her with a mighty leap.  Kull and his men have fled.

Terra had feelings for Samson.  Before he leaves he warns her not to prey on the weak or he will return.  Her feelings for Samson quickly leave her after Samson departs..  She starts feeling like a queen again, and decides to rebuild.

Samson crosses the Huzon River going  hand over hand using the cables of the  bridge's supporting structure

copyright by Rod Hunsicker 8-13-98
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