Mighty Samson #5
published by K&K Publishing Co
March 1966

The Death Geysers

N'Yark is menaced by Death-Glow Geysers.  These are radioactive steam shooting out of cracks in the earth from  deep underground pools of radioactive fallout left by the Atomic war that destroyed civilization.  Mindor is concerned because these geysers kill whatever they come in contact with. He sends Samson and Sharmaine out to locate and count them so he can have a better idea of the  scope of the danger.   Samson and Sharmaine are nearly trapped while doing this,  but escape because of Samson's strength and ingenuity.

Later they find Vaxar, a survivor of a tribe from the north that had been wiped out in a flood.  Vaxar has 20th century knowledge and a keen mind.  He agrees to help Mindor find a solution to the Death Geyser menace.

The problem is that Vaxar (though he is unaware of his alter personality)  is also Oggar, a man monster with physical strength like Samson and the telepathic power to call and control other mutants.  Oggar wants the geysers to continue, because it is their power that transforms him into Oggar.   So begins a struggle between the human Vaxar and his mutant alter ego Oggar.  (I believe that Vaxar was already a mutant and the geysers simply released the power of that mutation).

Thus begins a series of adventures where Mindor, Samson, Sharmaine and Vaxar try to stop the geysers and Oggar tries to stop them.

Eventually, the Oggar personality  totally dominates Vaxar and instructs him to advise the party to construct a huge lightning rod of steel girders.  Vaxar says the lightning will seal the cracks, but instead it opens more.  Samson knocks down the lightning rod, but many people are killed.

Mindor and Vaxar come up with the idea of a laser gun fusing the cracks.   Mindor readies the gun.  Meanwhile Sharmaine suspects Vaxar, follows him and sees him change to Oggar.  Oggar takes her, lures Samson to them and commands three giant monsters to kill Samson.  Samson defeats the monsters and takes on Oggar for the final time.  Eventually Samson punches Oggar off the Empire State Building.

Oggar wanted the whole area saturated with radioactive mist so he could remain Oggar forever.

Notes:  Note: For the first time Mighty Samson is forced to contest a true human mutant. Oggar has a physical strength equal to Samson and some mental abilities as well. However, human beings still exist in N'Yark in a normal nonmutated state. I note that they are unusually resistant to radiation. Samson is highly resistant to radiation. The reason for this is unclear.

Rod Hunsicker comments

copyright by Rod Hunsicker 10-20-98
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