X-Files Movie Review

I have returned from The X-Files movie. What an experience it was! My hat goes off to Chris Carter and Co. Congrats guys for doing what they said couldn't be done--make an X-Files Movie that would be good for X-Philes AND newcommers. If you were coming here for an in-depth analysis of the movie, then I'm sorry, but you're not gonna find it here. In theory, I COULD analyze it, and probably very well (knock on wood), but I'm not going to do that. It spoils it if you try to overanalyze something--just enjoy it, and take it for what it's worth. The overlying question (which I have grown sick of hearing) is basically "Will the movie appeal to 'newbies' as well as reward the faithful fans of the show?" When watching the film, I didn't allow myself to sit there for two hours asking myself that question as it relates to EVERY little part of the movie. Here's what I did tonight: I drove to the theatre, purchased a ticket, (2 hours later) arrived back at the theatre early to get a good seat, which in my foolish mind was in the very front row (note to self: sit in middle next time), somehow made it through the hours of previews, and then just sat back in awe for 2 hours--not letting myself be distracted by all the questions and all the hype, but just becoming absorbed into the story, and then I was shocked to see the ending credits roll across the screen, forgetting that the show must go on this fall. I left the theatre speechless--overwhelmed by the experience, and above all, completely satisfied, because as much as I want to know ALL the answeres, I still want to be left with a sense of mystery, and with a desire to come back for more. And shippers won't be disappointed, either! The Mulder/Scully relationship is closer than ever, and will never be the same again.

Now, I refuse to really delve into the nuts and bolts of it, but critically speaking, I thought it was great. The special effects were stunning, but they weren't so overpowering that they didn't fit into the story. The story itself was a gem. It was complex without being thick. Self-contained without alienating those with foreknowledge of the show and the characters. Very well acted. Especially by David Duchovny, who turns in a great performance. And those guys i the syndicate, MAN, what a job they did! Made my skin crawl! I'm very much looking forward to seeing Armin Mueller-Stahl again as syndicate boss Conrad Strughold. The movie has great sound too--it really drew me into it. And when paired with excellent cinematography, it makes for an overwhelming movie experience. And it's just as good--if not better--the second time. Even if I weren't an X-Files fan, I believe I'd recommend this movie as a must-see. C.C., 1013, and the whole cast and crew, take a bow guys--you deserve it.

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