SF World of Darkover


© 2005 Debbie Ledesma

In the Science Fiction genre, series are not as prevalent as in Fantasy, but some SF has an epic feel. Books such as these follow different characters through various periods of history of a world. Darkover is one of these worlds and is one of the most remarkable worlds in the Science Fiction genre. It is the creation of the late Marion Zimmer Bradley, a talented author that brought this world to life with her imagination, world building and realistic characters. Ms. Bradley developed Darkover slowly through many books during her career. She created a unique culture and history for her castaways. A part of the world is revealed in each book and story throughout different ages. This helps it become a viable society from the tragic beginning.

The story begins with Darkover Landfall. A colony space ship crashes on a planet with a red giant sun. The survivors find themselves on a world with gigantic mountain ranges, forests and a cold climate with very little metal resources and no chance of escape. They must develop a system to survive, isolated from the rest of star faring humanity. There are indigenous alien species that live on Darkover. One of them, the chieri, was able to interbreed with humans, passing on the telepathic powers to humans and introducing them to matrix crystals, which amplify mental powers. These two aspects set up the beginning of a growing culture.

Darkover society is based on a feudal like system. Eventually seven families with incredible telepathic powers become the ruling authorities known as the Comyn. They use the matrix technology and their mental gifts with a system of Towers to help the people. The rest of the culture has merchants, craftsmen, farmers and other classes of people, but the telepaths rule. One group is different with the Renunciates. These are women who choose to not marry and become warriors or guides with their own rules. The stories of the Renunciates are told in the omnibus titled The Saga of the Renunciates.

After years of establishing themselves on Darkover, there is an Age of Chaos. The most powerful telepaths run a selective breeding program to get the most powerful mental gifts fixed into family lines. They also develop deadly weapons, which are destroying the world. Destruction is stopped by the creation of a law that forbids distance and matrix weapons. This leads to a new age for Darkover. Books in this age are Hawkmistress and Stormqueen.

The next era of this world brings back the technological Terran empire as the lost colony is rediscovered. This brings a new problem to the world’s society as two different cultures clash. Darkover does not want the influence of the Terrans to destroy their culture while the Terrans want Darkover under their control for transport and economic reasons. It is a long period of readjustment for both cultures that leads to a lot of intrigue and stress. Some of the books in this age are: Heritage of Hastur, Sharra’s Exile, The Spell Sword and The Forbidden Tower.

Darkover is a science fictional world created by Marion Zimmer Bradley with an epic history. The vast history of this world is explored in different books through the different ages. Sympathetic, realistic characters draw readers into the conflicts between two worlds with different goals. Ms. Bradley invented a fascinating society that uses telepathic or mind powers on a world with a fragile environment. Readers will enjoy the many entertaining books about Darkover. As a saying from the books states, “The world will go its own way, not as you or I would have it.” For a more comprehensive list of books, check out the site at: http://mzbworks.home.att.net/works.htm#darkover

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