Definition of Gorean Terms Drinks Paga- an alcoholic beverage brewed from the grains of Gor Similar to Vodka in strength, it is served warm in a footed bowl in the tradition of Japanese Saki. The The slave kneeling in the pleasure slave position touches the bowl first to the slaves heart between her breasts to denote devotion and then to her lips. It is then presented cupped in her hands above her bowed head, eyes lowered in submission. Ka-La-Na The golden sweet wine of Gor, is distilled from the fruit of the Kalana trees. The best and sweetest coming from the Plains of Kalana. It is served chilled or at room temperature in a goblet in the above fashion. Ale- Gorean Ale is closer to a Honey Lager than to an ale or beer...a deep gold in color, and brewed from the grains of Gor and hops imported from earth in the early years. It is traditionally served in a goblet as above. Kal-da- A hot drink almost scalding made of distilled Ka-la-na wine mixed with citrus juices and hot spices. Black Wine- a hot drink similar to coffee drunk in the Louisiana region of earth, brewed from coffee beans imported eons ago from earth and nurtured in the mountain regions of Gor and spiced herbs. Slavewine1- watered down sweetened ka-la-na Slavewine2- brewed from bitter herbs, acts as a contraceptive drunk once er month. Food Animals Bosk- Though similar in build to the Yak of earth the Bosk bears the heavier form of the buffalo of earth and like him, provides, food, leather and many of the needs of the people of Gor. The meat may be roasted or broiled, dried, stewed or served in a myriad of ways. Vulo- a small bird similar to the chicken..served roasted and spiced or baked in spice leaves. Tarsk- similar to the earth pig in form and ecological niche, they are not a favored food, being carrion eaters, but, are a staple amoung the rence growers. Tumits- a large carniverous bird of the plains, is hunted and eaten by the Nomadic people of Gor. Traditionally hunted with bolos the sport lies in wether you or the bird gets to eat that night. Tabuk- Swift gazelle like animals known for their sweet meat and speed... the Tabuk is generally served roasted Other Foods topsit- a small tart fruit...that is used in both throwing games of skill with the knife and as a food. redfruit- similar in flesh and taste to apples of earth origins cheese- Pressed from the milk of the Bosk..they are sharp in taste and travel well...resisting molds in thier hard rinds. Black Bread-baked soft and full flavored from Gorean grains, heavy and dark, served with clotted Bosk Cream or honey. Rence- a water plant..the grain is eaten..the stems harvested and pressed into paper or woven into cloth. The grain may be boiled...or ground into a paste and sweetened. This paste can also be fried into a type of pancake. Some of the animals of Gor Tarns- enormous relatives of the earth Golden eagle..some with a 50' wing span..they are bred in 2 types...War Tarns-heavier but agile, trained to aid in battle...and Racing Tarns- slender, lighter birds bred for speed and endurance. Racing Tarns are also used by messengers to go from one city-state to another. Kaiila- picture a velociraptor standing 20-22 hands high, covered with a silken fur..vicious from birth, deadly, sleek and carniverous and fast.Capable of covering 600 pasangs (7/10 of a mile=1 pasang) in a day. The eyes are triple lidded against the sand storms of the desert regions. Sleen- the deadly hunting dog of Gor..a cross between a weasel and a Komodo drag on furred, with fangs that drip a deadly poison. 6 legged and tencious they can track a trail days old as if it were fresh..rending and killing the object of the hunt. Sleen are pack animals and cared for only by thier Masters so that they are not befriended by the slave who may try to escape. Thalarion- Heavy, but swift these beast range nearly 40 hands in height..warm blooded reptiles...used in battle as shock troops, and a smaller bred cousin as draft animals on Gor. The Marsh Thalarion is not domesticated, but a vicious and voracious hunter. Marsh Shark-deadly fresh water hunter of the Gorean Marshes..similar in shape to the shark of earth. urts- think reptilian rat..the size of a terrier Vosk Sorp- a giant clam...that thrives in the seas and Marshes of Gor...the shell of which is large enough to be used as a throne. Silks and Slave Clothing White- The white silk slave is not necessarily virgin, merely reserved for her Master/Mistresses sole use. Generally permitted to serve drinks and food and conversation but sexual use is forbidden and corporal punishment is at the hands of the owners. Masters and Mistresses insulted, may embarrass, confine or display the slave, but may not strike in any way nor permit another to do so Red- the mark of a pleasure slave...may generally be used by any who desire her usage but may be reserved for the sole use of the owner. A pleasure slave is considered to be well trained to please in all ways sexual, service wise, dancing, and are closest to the houris of the arabian harem. Yellow- Denotes the Tavern owned slave..her use is rented and negotiated with the Tavern owner and may include sexual favors at the owners descretion. Grey- State owned slaves Black- the mark of an unowned un-purchased slave. Camisk- a cloth that is used to bind and conceal the loins of the slave female, brought between the legs and drawn extremely tight about the waist to emphasis it. Ta-Teera- a simple cloth..slit fully on both side with a slit for the head, worn poncho style the cloth is held in place with a cord tied tightly about the waist..the hem coming barely beneath the groin and bottom so that the slave flesh is fully available at all times. shoes/sandles-a never giving to a slave...they are kept barefoot..occasionally cords are wrapped decoratively about the ankles and calves.