1. What is it?

It’s just a thought aiming to build a team which can work towards the rehabilitation of small children


  1. What I have to do in this?

You can help us by contributing with money, time or any kind contributions meant for rehabilitation of these children.


  1. Where the money will go?

As I mentioned, this is not an idea of organization. It’s a family consists of our people. All I can say that, we have to trust each other. If we select some one to deal with money, he or she will be by everybody’s approval. Some of our friends are married, so their spouses can manage it.


  1. How can I believe money will surely be used for good cause or what if it goes to some wrong purpose?

Again answer is same; we have to trust each other. Regarding second question, all we are aiming for a good cause and it is not in our hand to predict who can be right and who don’t really need help. We may sometime go wrong but this is how it is.


  1. How this idea will be implemented?

I am not clear about this at this time. All I want to know if I am alone or not. If I am not, we can discuss this latter.


  1. What I will get in return?

Nothing. Just a smile on face before going to sleep at night, if it matters.


  1. Who all will be involved in this?

To start with, only people whom we know best.


  1. Can you assure me my money won’t be wasted?

No, I can’t. If you think u don’t trust any of us and don’t want to join us, it is OK.


  1. Can I invite others to join us?

I don’t want to go global to start with. Once we can organize ourselves well, than surely we can invite others.