Lost Love


It was evening,

looking as if it is never going to end,

I was in the mood of tomorrow,

creeping hand over the hand.


Thinking that from tomorrow,

life will again be the same,

I will be the student again,

and it will be the same game.


I reached there in morning,

and looked around,

everything felt dull, as I was so,

from, where, when were few questions,

I was trying to know.


Suddenly I saw a face,

which gave me the pleasure of life,

like a candle in the night without moon,

made me felt as if it is winter in the June.


Her eyes, as if saying to me, die,

her lips, when moving up and down,

made my heart cry,

she was in blue and white,

moving her arms as if sea wave,

the essence of her,

refreshed me, when she passed by.



My heart said, she is the one, for whom I was waiting,

the face in my dreams,  which I was searching for,

she was exactly the same, from up to bottom,

who was knocking my heart’s door.


That was the most romantic eve of my life,

as I was in love,

but as others, it has to end,

she came and she went,

I was so unlucky, not even able to grab her hand.


But there was a glow on my face, as we were to meet soon again,

dreaming of her whole night,  and sketching us together,

in her dreams, days passed one after another.



Moment came,

when I was going to meet her,

from very first step,

my eyes were searching her,

searching for her, everywhere,

and perhaps every gap.


Since than, till now,

I haven’t found her,

I am still searching for her,

there is a girl around me,

I see her everyday, looks like her,

but without those eyes, said me die,

without lips, made my heart cry,

without any refreshing essence,

nothing happens in heart when she pass by.


And I am sure,

she is not the one,

for whom I was waiting,

and still waiting for.


Arpit Gattani
