Artificial breather [Paranoian's angst pt. VI] ©2004 Adriàn Lozäno ****** "Who is him? Where am I? Why does it hurt? What about the blood?" ****** He was gone... returning, he may answer himself. Nobody choose to live, but too many choose to kill and too many choose to die. Who... where... why... what?... that won't mind in the moment you remember the wicked way you were walking by. When will we wake? Nobody knows it exactly, even your mind thoughts this was your last breath. live on... at the moment you open your eyes, you get scared at all, look at you dying man, you don't even know you decided to die. you don't belong to that stretcher, you wanna go home. Asking yourself what about dreams? O.K.... too many theories. Who... where... why... what?... Now that you've realized facts and definitively know you had woke. Have you gotten answers? When will we wake? "Life is a dream and while dreams we dream" "To die, to dream... No more!" Life's a dream, to die is to dream So, is dreaming to dream? ****** Murder: you are living in a nightmare, relatively... you have fear of your ideas, while R.E.M.s you're artificially breathing, so tell me... ****** now tell me what's next... To dream, or to wake?