Hallucination ©2004 Adriān Loząno I walked downstairs, took some pills and realized you are nor real, went ahead in a dream you were here really, really near. You decided to listen to me, my plan was successing... I couldn't believe. Wipe my nose, blinked my eyes, kicked a stone then fell really down; so you went away and I could realize you are not here and this is what you are. This is what you are! We don't want to change, we don't want to see we are mistaken. This is so understood, We don't want to wake, we don't want to feel the real feelings. I felt fear for what I had done, so I started to clean the way that gets to my door, hiding all this mess, removing the stains I saw you fitting a dress so covered in blood. ...so I started to digress, so I thought that this is what you became in! This is what you are! We don't want to change, we don't want to see we are mistaken. This is so understood, We don't want to wake, we don't want to feel the real feelings.