Relativity [Paranoian's Angs pt.III] ©2004 Adriàn Lozäno There was a man in a lonely room there was another behing his door, The man inside uses to dream awake The man outside likes to swin in a lake. 'Why to fear of all outside my friend?' (Anton) But those words were never heard... It is good, don't let your ideas be killed, but what if.. you are mistaken? "I'm not meeting you to dinner, Anton hates me, you knew it! You shouldn't mmet him anynmore!" (Marcus) Beware, beware! While you are chasing someone. Beware, beware! perspective could change "Make sure yourself it's real" (Anton) "I know it's not a dream" (Howell) "Go and make sure he's not here, I don't ant to know him" (Anton) Beware, beware! awaiting is the death. Beware, beware! He may be chasing you man! "...You shouldn't meet him anymore" (Marcus)