...and they sudenly appear ©2004 Adriän Lozàno I saw a cruel movie, I knew it was a great job, and it put me down. I heard him laughing I knew he couldn't realice what about my song. ...and they sudenly appear. ...and they sudenly appear. I read the human history I've heard about it before and it put me down. I walked to forget it all I walked on and on and i got to see the dawn. is it coming again for me? is it coming agian for thee? Sad, sad, sad... I got so sad when i saw, sad, sad, sad, I was mad while i thought They don't know him, and They need Jesus Chist. I dreamed I was running standing free in fields and woods ...I woke up, that put me down! I made a question for heaven and it asked: 'How long is it going to last?' is it coming again for me? is it coming agian for thee? ...and they sudenly appear. ...and they sudenly appear. Sad, sad, sad... I got so sad when i saw, sad, sad, sad, I was mad while i thought They don't know him, and They need Jesus Chist. Tears!, they couldn't be stop Tears!, I couldn't get enought Tears!, I couldn't help myself Tears... sudenly they came.