Blue & White ©2005 Adrián Lozano I am so stretched to your mind, it's mine. I'm to small, decreasing smart! How did we walked to this place? It's too far, I'm purple inside. You are blue and white. You seem a cold wall You can't melt with me I'm getting freeze to embrace you there's no relief! Thin... my stomach hurts. I would like to know if it's alive. I got a cold, you've been this way so long, never ever wanted me safe. Blue & white, frozen stripes in mind. Who was thinking about the end this time? Are you paying attention to my voice? Are your ears listening my heart? oh boy! You seem a cold wall You can't melt with me I'm getting freeze to embrace you. There’s no relief! I miss something I can't remember. I'm missing someone I've never known right. I'm in somewhere, I can't look behind... I try to see ahead, I'm crying inside You seem a cold wall You can't melt with me I'm getting freeze to embrace you. There’s no relief! I'm trying to see ahead... something in your mind.