Dragonfly's return ©2005, Adriän Lozâno Midnight, I felt like i was living no more, I was driving to home when I thought I was gone. It was me taking my stuff back to room nobody's fool... I'm death; tomorrow is my grape release going to be. Red or blue?... I can't find difference... caffeine, nicotine... what's the difference? single... plain. What's the difference? This is my life years ago I'm starting over again. Where do I belong to? tell me now your real name. Mourning I'm out of my self, against my mind, noon I'm loosing time fooling around with friend. Am I really there at my room writing songs for you? I'm death; tomorrow is my grape release going to be. White or You?... I can't find difference... caffeine, mad... what's the difference? I love you single or plain... What's the difference? This is my life years ago I'm starting over again. Is he my brother. Why have we been this away? This is my life years ago I'm starting over again. Where do I belong to? tell me now your real name.