Loneliness © 2002 Adrián Lozano When this is just beginning everything seems that's not hurting but the time is passing by and the train goes by All the time You are just "kiddin'" all the people think Your right but they never think about the things that You feel inside And You start feeling like dying You can't find any light the feelings inside starts to fight and all the people seem so far Then... the sound doesn't heard like the last night You smiled the time You had someone this time that now You can't get back in Your mind And You start feeling like dying You can't find any light the icicle melts in Your heart 'cos the people is too far so You start to flight and the wind blows so hard the light of the moon drives You mad You get different... now You're far everybody is around You You are sleeping in a coffin somebody look at You and then begins to cry... and she seem like just right there don't wanna stay Then a men hugs her You can't remember the name Hi seems to You the images start rounding so You open Your eyes and there You are in a dark room alone, and You feel like dying.