Nature's evolution ©2006, Adrián Lozano Thinking about, thinking about the evolution like somewhere far. Thinking about, thinking about the evolution of human kind. Somehow I find like I am out, like I concider we aren't taking part. Why? I don't know. Is it something wrong? Why should we go if we want something more? Natural selection... it's a social mind, natural selection... is getting different and I wonder: hey! How you're doing? Now that I'm not on your way. How you're doing? I'm wondering all whole day long. Thinking about the air pollution, now I know it's natural. The eath is now on a new age, the mechanic now it changes. You and me, as you see now we're not the same we finally got to get out of the circles and cycles. Natural selection, it asks me... Natural selection, it makes me wonder... hey! How you're doing? Now that I'm not on your way. How you're doing? I'm wondering all whole day long. hey! How you're doing? Now that I'm not on your way. How you're doing? I'm wondering all whole day long.