Rain girl ©2004 Adriån Lozâno Rain girl, you're always ready to fall... Rain girl, you don't really care to crawl. You are getting close to heaven, You are up in sky again. You will surrender, yes surrender but You know that I’ll be there. Raining once again falling feeding the earth. Raining once again. We always fall until we swallow the sand. Rain girl, following the air. rain girl, you wanna wet my brother... You are coming every week You will try to say his name and you shall follow, yes you'll follow You will reach the sun someday. Raining once again falling feeding the earth. Raining once again. You try to reach the Sun, I'll see him coming. Raining once again... (4) You are getting close to heaven. You are coming every week. You will surrender, yes you'll follow, Yeah! I shall wait you with the Sun... Raining once again falling feeding the earth. Raining once again. We always fall until we swallow the sand. Raining once again... (3) We always fall, we always care.