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Reggae Dub free Video Clips

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from the upcoming release on Dvd video

Lorn (jungle edit)

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Lorn (jungle edit)

Real Player|Windows Media Player

Revisited edition in jungle key of a Reggae Dub gem. Also revisited by the author, many pop-art works of the 60's.


Real Love (new age version)

Real Player|Windows Media Player

The perfect soundtrack to your next three-martini get-together.

Hot Get Hotter

Real Player|Windows Media Player

Check out World's first Reggae Dub Video !!! Pure pleasure for your ears and eyes.

The Flight of the Bumblebee -reggae version-

Real Player|Windows Media Player
...and they said it could never fly!Indeed, the venerable line about scientists having proved that a bumblebee can't fly appears regularly in magazine and newspaper stories. Obviously, bumblebees can fly. On the average, a bumblebee travels at a rate of 3 meters per second, beating its wings 130 times per second. Quite respectable for the insect world. So, how did this business of proving that a bumblebee can't fly originate? Who started the story? It apparently first surfaced in Germany in the 1930s, and the story was about a prominent Swiss aerodynamicist,he assumed a rigid, smooth wing, estimated the bee's weight and wing area, and calculated the lift generated by the wing. Not surprisingly, there was insufficient lift.The story spread, told from the biologist's point of view, and it wasn't long before it started to appear in magazine and newspaper articles. Val musically introduces the famous instrumental track written by the Russian composer Nikolaj Rimskij-Korsakov, in a reggae key, with a lazy Rasta Bumblebee !! Enjoy it.

Real Love

Windows Media Streaming 56 k
Two dolls, Kate and Leo, play the main role in the remake of the famous movie Titanic, showing the world that even dolls have a soul, probably a lot better than the stupid dolls we watch on today's trash tv. Kate and Leo will have their revenge... "Anything you can do, I can do it better, I'm the toughest!".


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