Print out the form: complete and send, with remittance, to the Membership Secretary at the address below

Minehead and West Somerset Arts Society

        Notice from the Membership Secretary

Subscriptions for the 2007/2008 season, which runs from 1st May, are now due, and a membership application form is attached together with a Gift Aid form, which we hope you will complete, as many generously did last year.

Coach Outings
Please tick only those activities in which you intend to take part. It is costly for the organisers to send out 100-150 forms for each coach trip. Unless you indicate below that you wish to receive details of coach outings your name will not be given to the organisers even though you have been on their list in previous years.

Please put me /us on the mailing list for
Ballet … Orchestral Concert …  Opera … Theatre …     (please tick)

Would you be willing to display concert posters for the Society, either in your own window or a nearby shop or community building? Posters will be put out for you to collect at each concert or posted to you if you are absent.
Number of posters I/we can display  ………..



Patrons` Scheme

All donations, regardless of size, are gratefully accepted. Those of £10 or more  will be acknowledged as Patrons` Donations on the concert programme cover.

I wish to donate to the Society the sum of  £ …………

*  I wish the Minehead and West Somerset Arts Society to reclaim tax under the Gift Aid scheme on my donation and subscription (where applicable). I am a UK taxpayer and note I must have paid an amount of tax at least equal to the tax to be reclaimed. (Income tax and tax paid on capital gains and savings all qualify and the Society can recover £28.21 for every £100 donated, at no further cost to you.)


It is agreed that details on this form will be held on computer disc, but will not be passed on to any person other than a Society Officer.

Name ……………………………………………

Address …………………………………………



* Please delete if necessary


                           How to Buy Your Tickets
1. Advance Bookings with Discounts
Up to 31st  August 2008  members are offered priority booking, with discounts (please note the earlier date of 31st July for the first concert). Using this form please send your annual subscription and ticket order to the address on the next page.
2. From 1st September
At the Regal for concerts held  there. At the Tourist Information Office (Tel. 01643 702624) for all other concerts.
3. At the door on the evening of the concert.
Concert Details
All concerts start at 7.30 pm and are at West Somerset Community College unless stated otherwise.

Date Concert Venue Price No. Cost
Saturday 6th October 2007 Hatstand Opera The Regal Theatre £12   £
Friday 26th October 2007 Varvara Lloyd-Maggs West Somerset Community College £10   £
Friday 16th November 2007 The Chamber Players West Somerset Community College £10   £
Thursday 13th December 2007 The Mellstock Band The Regal Theatre £10   £
Sunday 27th January 2008 Carducci String Quartet The Avenue Methodist Church £10   £
Friday 15th February 2008 Lucy Wakefield & Siobham Grealy West Somerset Community College £10   £
Friday 14th March 2008 The Atrium String Quartet West Somerset Community College £10   £
Friday 45h April 2008 Murray McLachlan West Somerset Community College £12   £
Total cost (carried to next page) £


Membership/Ticket Purchase
I / we wish to join / renew membership of the Society for the season 2007/2008 and enclose the appropriate subscription. (Please make cheques payable to the Society and enclose a SAE of at least 6” by 4.5” for your membership card.)

Single membership (£7.00)  £
Donation (from next page) £
Joint membership (£10.00)   £
Total ticket cost (from previous page)   £
Discounts are only given if the tickets are for members
Less discount of £4 for 4 or 5 concerts, £8 for 6 or 7 concerts and £14 for all 8 concerts.
Net Cost of tickets £
Cheque for total enclosed   £


       Please add your name, address and signature on the next page and send the complete form to:

                  Paul Handisyde at 7a Bridge St, Williton,
                                  Taunton TA4 4NR.

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