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Home Care for the Stroke Patient by Margaret Johnstone

Author: Margaret Johnstone

Published by: Churchill Livingstone

Code: CL1


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Description A PhysioTools compatible CLIP-EX Collection which enables the user to produce professional client handouts of advice and exercises for the rehabilitation of the stroke patient at home. The collection includes information on positioning, stabilizing, transfers, advice and treatment. This collection is based on the book Home Care for the Stroke Patient by Margaret Johnstone published by Churchill Livingstone.
Number of items 133
Sorting by: Anatomical Area:

Whole Body, Miscellaneous, Upper Limb, Lower Limb, Hand Holds, Equipment, Pressure Splints.

Body Position:

Side Lying, Lying (Supine), Lying (Prone), Sitting, Long Sitting, Rolling, Crawling position, Kneeling, Standing, Miscellaneous.

Description of Information:

Advice Note, Positioning, WB Upper Limb, Stabilizing, Trunk Rotation, Treatment Note, Transfers, Fine Control.

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