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Condition specific
Lower Extremity Amputee Home Exercises

Author: Robert Gailey & Ann Gailey

Published by: Advanced Rehabilitation Therapy, Inc.

Code: PX 6


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Description Contains exercises and advice notes ranging from stretching, strengthening, balance, coordination and gait training. This collection has been designed after several years of clinical practice, educational workshops, and exchange of information with amputees and health professionals, the most effective exercises have been chosen for this program.
Number of items 117
Sorting by: Anatomical Area:

Cardiovascular, Whole Body, Back/Abdominals, Upper Limb, Lower Limb, Prosthetic.

Movement Direction:

Flexion, Extension, Abduction, Adduction, Adduction/Internal Rotation, Plantar/Dorsiflexion, Long Sitting, Walking, Standing, Cycling, Rowing, Chest Press, Dips, Shoulder Press, Lateral Raise, Back Extension, Trunk Crunch, Sit Up, Bridging, Quadruped, High Kneeling, Sound Limb Stepping, Prosthetic Limb Stepping, Stride Length, Sidestepping, Stepping/Arm Swing, Forward/Backward Stepping, Weight Shift, Quarter Turn, Turning, Cross-Over Stepping, Walking/Arm Swing, Figure-8 Walking, Toe Pivoting, Heel Pivoting, Tandem Walking, Braiding, Stepping Over Objects, Beam Walking, Backwards Walking, Ball Kicking, Stool Scooting, Side to Side Shifts, Front to Back Shifts, Ball Rolling, Squatting, Kicks, Bocci/Bowling, Baseball, Golf, Racquet Sports, Stair Climbing, Treadmill Walking, Swimming, Arm Cycling.

Description of Information:

Strengthening, Stretching, Aerobic, Balance & Coordination, Gait Training, Exercises.

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