1.      According to Zetterberg 1965 (as quoted by Bailey 1995: 45), inspite of minitheories, many researchers reserve the term “theory” for sets of two or more interrelated propositions that explain and predict.

2.      The most common interrelated propositions is AXIOMATIC or DEDUCTIVE THEORY that basically takes this deductive syllogism:


Proposition 1: If A then B.

Proposition 2: If B then C.


Proposition 3: If A then C.


3.      In the said theory, if propositions 1 and 2 are true statements, it follows by deduction that proposition 3 is also true.

4.      True statements from which other statements are deducted are called axioms or postulates. Although axioms and postulates are interchangeable, axiom has a mathematical connotation and is more often used for statements that are true by definition or for propositions involving highly abstracts concepts. Thus, we can say that propositions 1 and 2 are axioms. The term “postulate” is more often used for statements whose truth has been demonstrated empirically.

5.      A proposition that can be deduced from a set of postulates is called a theorem. Thus, proposition 3 in item #2 above is a theorem.

6.      FORMAL THEORY: this is a type of an axiomatic or deductive theory that consists of a system of  (1) a set of axioms whose truth is assumed (and tested only by testing some of their logical consequences) and cannot be deducted from other statements in the theory; (2) statements or theorems following from the axioms or axioms in conjunctions with the theorems and definitions; and (3) a set of definitions of some of the descriptive terms that appear in the axioms even as definitions may also be introduced in the course of proving the theorems. In a formal theory, the axioms may not be subject to tests but Bailey 1994 says that some or all of the theorems must be tested in order for a theory to be proven or disproven.  Thus, for Bailey, formal theory allow us to use axioms that are abstract or unmeasureable and, therefore, untestable,  provided that we are ultimately able to deduce from them some empirically testable propositions.


                        Prof. Art Boquiren January 2004 based on Bailey 1994: 41-48, 494

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