1.   GROUP DISCUSSION: a small number of people come together for solving problems by sharing experience, information, and insights

Uses: posing problems, identifying causes, discussing possible solutions, evaluating actions

2.   PUBLIC MEETINGS: meeting generally open to all or a community

Uses: inform constituency on research or action, provide opportunity for participation to all, obtain constituency approval, support, or feedback

3.   RESEARCH TEAMS: small groups are tapped from the constituency to carry out defined tasks in the research or action

Use: involve constituency in the research or action

4.   OPEN-ENDED SURVEYS:  interview using flexible format for individual or group respondent

Use: obtain a picture of how a large number of people feel or think about a problem (causes, possible solutions, consequences to be expected)

5.   COMMUNITY SEMINARS: intensive study sessions held among members of a community/several communities

Uses: discussing and analyzing information obtained from a research in order to plan the next steps or projects

6.   COLLECTIVE PRODUCTION OF AUDIO-VISUAL MATERIALS: members of a community or group discuss, conceptualize one or more aspects of the problem they are focusing on and there are two bi-products, the audio-visual material and their collective view on their problems

7.   POPULAR THEATER: variation of 6

8.  FACT-FINDING TOURS/EXCHANGE VISITS: a group from one constituency may visit other communities or groups who have been working on the same situation or problems

Use: finding out what kinds of obstacles or support are possible/finding out experiences or alternatives given a problem


                         Very slightly modified handout of Dr. Rowena Boquiren by Art Boquiren

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