by Arturo C. Boquiren

1.          Gender-Sensitivity

1.1.        Gender-sensitivity in research means that research must recognize the subordinate role of women in societies, communities, and families. Centuries of subjugation by both class and male oppressors also affected women values and attitudes such that there is also a tendency for women to perform only a minor role in community development. In many cases, women even have to express the views of the men (e.g., their husbands) or that women do not express their views at all but ask the researchers to ask their men. Sometimes, the response is from the women but the response is merely an echo of the men’s perspective.

1.2.        Thus, in surveys, group discussions, questionnaire administration, and other data gathering techniques, what can be represented are only the views of the men rather than of the whole population. Because of this, identification of community priorities, problems, and needs will be inaccurate. Research or data may not be reliable.

1.3.        Gender-sensitive research methods, therefore, means that design of data gathering strategies and analysis must recognize gender oppression or dominance in societies and take this into account in developing research methodologies and techniques.

2.          Empowering Women

2.1. To empower communities, progressive research methods must also empower women that compose roughly half of the community. This imply that in addition to the use of methods that would maximize people’s participation or make the community take “a” or “the” leading role in research for their development, research must also maximize the participation of women in research problem formulation, strategy determination, data gathering, and analysis.

2.2.  Indicators of women empowerment include the % of women in the leading positions of the organization as well as in the existence of functioning and active women’s groups or organizations in the community.

3.          Gender Fair

3.1. The primary objective of gender sensitivity in research is to make sure that women’s perspectives and women’s concerns are factored in research problem identification, methodology, and data analysis.

3.2.  Meanwhile, women empowerment must be advanced to advance a gender fair order free from internal and external oppression. Thus, research contributes to the advancement of a world free from gender and other forms of oppression as it contributes to the advancement of knowledge.

                                                                                        Prof. Art Boquiren February 2004

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