NEW KEYNESIAN ECONOMICS by N. Gregory Mankiw in the Concise Encyclopedia of Economics for an overview by Brainy Encyclopedia for a listing of New Keynesian writers and their articles (Joseph E. Stiglitz, Robert J. Gordon, Schiller, Benjamin M. Friedman, Arthur M. Okun, Stanley Fischer, Olivier Blanchard, John B. Taylor, Stephen J. Turnovsky, Alan S. Blinder, Lawrence H. Summers, David H. Rommers, Christina D. Romer, Bradford DeLong, George Akerlof, Janet Yellen, Andrew Abel, Kenneth D. West, N. Gregory Mankiw, Andrew Caplin, B. Douglas Bernheim, Laurence Ball, Assar Lindbeck, Alan Auerbach, Maurice Obstfeld, Philippe Weile, Julio Rotemberg for a discussion on "How well does the New Keynesian Sticky-Price Model fit the data?" 



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