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Welcome to the Liturgy of the Brahmo Samaj.

During the time of Ram Mohan Roy, two Telegu Brahmins used to recite the Vedas in a side room screened from the view of the congregation - where non - Brahmins were not admitted. Utsabananda Vidyabagish would read the texts of the Upanishads - which were later explained in Bengali by Pt. Ram Chandra Vidyabagish. Then he would give a sermon followed by a song by Govinda Mala. Several of these sermons were written by Rammohun himself. The universalist nature of Rammohun's new religion was evident in reciting the sruti texts of the Upanishads in front of non - Brahmins. The pundits reciting these texts were free from the orthodoxy of their Telegu counterparts.

The first great revival of the Brahmo Dharma took place under the leadership of Debendranath Tagore (1817 - 1905). The Brahmo Samaj as an organisation had gradually reached a moribund condition after Rammohun departed for England. Under Debendranath and the Tattwabodhini Sabha rituals and ceremonials of the new church were formulated. Debendranath wrote the Brahmo Dharma in 1848 at the age of 31. He dictated it to Akshay Kumar Datta and it took 3 hours to write the first part. The most prominent was the system of Initiation (Diksha). A notable doctrinal change that took place was the abandonment of the belief in the infallibility of the Vedas. It was declared that the basis of Brahmoism would henceforth be no longer any infallible book but "the human heart illuminated by spiritual knowledge born of self - realisation." Spiritually Debendranath laid more emphasis on bhakti or devotion rather than jnana or knowledge as propagated by Rammohun. He qualifies his Brahman with a number of personal attributes making thereby a near approach to Ramanuja's doctrine of Visistaadvaitabad. He was temperamentally averse to any drastic measure in the sphere of reform work which might defeat the purpose by causing an abrupt break with tradition.

The next phase is dominated by the dynamic personality of Keshub Chandra Sen (1838 -1884). He also introduced extempore prayers and speeches from the pulpit rather than fixed stereotyped liturgy. Codification of the doctrines came with the main principles of the Nava Samhita - the New Dispensation. These were as follows:

  1. Harmony of all scriptures, saints, and sects.
  2. Harmony of reason and faith, of devotion and duty, of yoga and bhakti.
  3. The church of the Samaj stands for One Supreme God, to be worshipped without form. No idolatry in any form may enter the precincts of the church.
  4. The church stands for universal brotherhood without distinction of caste or creed or sect.

Texts from all world religions were used for prayer and worship. Keshub propagated a general theory of revelation in which he included nature, history, by which he means "great men," and inspiration. He clearly emphasized inspiration, as the most direct and significant form of revelation. He described it as "the direct breathing-in of God's spirit - which infuses an altogether new life into the soul, and exalts it above all that is earthly and impure. It is more powerful, being God's direct and immediate action on the human soul while revelation made through physical nature and biography is indirect and mediate".

In the era of Sadharan Brahmo Samaj, led by Sivanath Shastri and Ananda Mohun Bose, the liturgy gave a rational, monistic interpretation of the Upanishads, admitting the essential unity of the universal self and the individual self.

The Brahmo religion stands for the following (as laid down in the Trust Deed of the Brahmo Samaj):

  • Followers shall love Him and do His will and worship the One Absolute Prambrahma, the Creator, Preserver, Destroyer who is the giver of all Good in this world and the next, who is All knowing, All Pervading, Formless and Beneficent
  • Followers shall not adore any created thing, thinking it to be the Supreme One
  • Followers should perform good deeds - and it is through these good deeds one can serve God
  • He is the One, Alone and Absolute - Ekamevadityam
  • The Samaj is to be a meeting ground for all sects for the worship of the One True God
  • No object of worship or a set of men shall be reviled or contemptuously spoken of or alluded to in any way
  • No graven image statue or sculpture carving painting picture portrait or the likeness of anything shall be admitted within
  • No object animate or inanimate that has been or is or shall hereafter become or be recognized as an object of worship
  • No sacrifice offering oblation of any kind or thing shall ever be permitted
  • Promote, charity, morality, piety, benevolence, virtue and strengthen the bonds of union between men of all religions and creed


This section outlines the creed and initiation procedure as conceived by Maharshi Debendranath in the Brahmo Dharma. Debendranath was formally initiated into Brahmoism by Ram Chandra Vidyabagish on December 21, 1843 (7th Poush, 1765 according to the Bengali calendar) along with 20 other men - which has now become a memorable day in the cultural history of Bengal. Below are the explanations in English of the original Sanskrti mantras:

A. Creed of the Brahmo Dharma

  • In the beginning was the one God, none else, and naught but He, the Creator of all things.
  • He is the True, the Good, the Infinite. He is the Eternal Lord of the universe, the All - knowing, All - pervading, All - protecting, the Almighty, He is the Formless, Changeless, Self - contained and Perfect.
  • In his worship lies our good, in this world and in the next.
  • To love Him and do His will - this is His true worship.

B. Initiation into the Brahmo Dharma

  • Loving Him and doing His will, I shall worship the One, Absolute Parabrahma, the Creator, Preserver and Destroyer, who is the Giver of all good in this world and the next, who is All - knowing, All - pervading, Formless and Beneficent.
  • I shall not adore any created thing, thinking it to be Parabrahma.
  • Unless prevented by sickness or trouble, I shall daily, in loving reverence, hold communion of spirit with Parabrahma.
  • I shall endeavour to perform good deeds.
  • I shall endeavour to abstain from sinful deeds.
  • If I should ever, through delusion, be led into sin, I shall desist therefrom with sincere repentance.
  • I shall give something, out of my income, every year to the Brahmo Samaj, to promote the Brahmo faith.
  • O God, grant me strength to live in accordance with the sacred principles of this religion. God, the One alone, the Absolute, Ekamevaditiyam


We now look at the standard Upasana method for the divine service. This format was designed by Maharshi Debendranath and is still followed in the divine service of the Adi Brahmo Samaj.

Though the full format is not followed in the other Samajes always - it serves as basic guidelines for anyone willing to take a normal divine service.

Below are the explanations in English of the original Sanskrit mantras (The English translation was done by Satyendranath Tagore - second son of Maharshi Debendranath Tagore and the first Indian Civil Servant).

The Service - Prayer:

Thou art our Father; as a father teach us true wisdom; we bend low in reverence before Thee; save us from delusion and sin; forsake us not, destroy us not.

O God our Father, forgive us, our trespasses and send us that which is for our good.

Thou art the cause and source of all goodness and happiness. Thou art goodness itself, and more than good. We bow down to Thee.

The Service - Salutation

We bow down in reverence, again and yet again, to the deity who dwells in fire, in water, who is immanent in the universe, who is in plants as well in the trees.

The Service - Communion

He who is our Creator, Protector and Giver of all happiness, the Life of all life and the Fount of all good, from Whose grace we derive our body and mind, our intellect and strength, our wisdom and piety, the constant Protector of our body and mind from manifold disasters, He is the True, All-wise and Infinite Prambrahma, revealing Himself in bliss and immortality. He is the Peace the Righteousness, the One above all.

With mind intent and full of love, I now hold communion of soul with this supreme Spirit of good.

He is all-pervading, stainless, and formless, without infirmity or blemish, pure and sinless, free from all fleshy taints. He is all-seeing Ruler of the mind. Highest of all is He and Self-revealed. He bestows on His creatures all things at all times according to their needs. He has given us our life, our mind and all our senses. He has created the sky, air, light, water and the all receiving earth.

Through fear of Him the fire burns, the sun gives out its rays, the clouds pour forth rain, the winds blow, and death wanders through the world.

The Service - Meditation

Let me meditate on the benign wisdom and might of that Supreme Being, who reveals all worlds, who pervades all things, who is the highest good, the Creator of the universe, who sends us all our powers of thought.

The Service - Hymn

Thou art the Real, the prime cause of the Universe. We bow to Thee.

Thou art the All-wise, the one Refuge for all. We bow to Thee. We bow to Thee, the Absolute, the Giver of salvation Thou art the supreme, the Eternal. All present Brahma, we bow to Thee.

To thee alone is honour due, Thou alone art the Protector of all, Thou alone preservest the Universe, the Self revealed. Thou alone art Creator, Preserver and Destroyer of all. Most high, motionless and fixed of purpose, Thou the dread of all dreads, The terror of all terrifying, Thou art the End of all creatures, The purifier of all which purify, The alone art the Ruler of all high estates, Holier than the holiest The Guardian of those who guard, We commune with Thee, we pray to Thee, Thou art the Witness of the universe, We bow to Thee. Let us seek refuge in the one, absolute God, Who is shelter, self-poised Who is our raft on the sea of life.

The Service - Prayer

Lead from the unreal to the real Lead me darkness into light Lead me from death to life Eternal O Thou self revealed, reveal Thyself to me, O Terrible, ever protect me with thy look benign.

The Service - Recitation in Sanskrit

Thus say the worshippers of the Brahma - He from whom all creatures proceed, by whom their life is sustained, to whom they go forth, and into whom they enter at the end of time - seek ye to know Him wholly; He is Brahma. All creatures spring from Parambrahma who is Joy eternal. After birth their life is preserved by Brahma who is Joy Eternal. At the end of time, they go forth and enter into Brahma, who is Joy Eternal.

He who has tasted the eternal joy of Parambrahma, before whom thoughts and words fail, he no longer knows fear. The divine Spirit of joy all compact and satisfies every longing of the heart. All creatures delight to attain that Parambrahma who is eternal bliss.

Who would ever live and move and have their being, if this divine Spirit of joy did not fill the heavens? He it is who scatters delight through all worlds.

The Service - Concluding Prayer

May God, the Transcendent, who knows the needs of all His creatures and supplies them by his manifold power, who pervades the universe from beginning to end, the shining Lord of all deities, inspire us with holy thoughts and aspirations.


The following are a collection of some World Prayers (in English) which are often used in Brahmo Services:

  • This wide Universe is the Holy Temple of God, and the heart is the shrine of the pilgrimage. Truth is the scripture everlasting. Faith is the root of Religion. Love is the supreme realization. Ascetism is the death of self. So declare the Brahmos. - Bhagabat

  • Homage to that supreme Brahman, Lord of what has been and shall be and of everything whose alone is the heaven. - Atharvaveda

  • He is not grasped by the eye, nor even by speech, nor by other sense organs, nor by penance, nor by sacrifice. When the mind is purged by the light of knowledge then only one can see Him who is without parts by meditating on Him. - Moondukupanishad

  • Enveloped by the Lord must be This All - each thing that moves on earth. With that renounced enjoy thyself. Covet not the wealth of any one. - Isaponishad
    (It was this sloka that Debendranath Tagore found on the torn page of a book in the veranda of his house as a young man and which subsequently changed his life and the country as a whole).

  • Water purifies the limbs and bodily members of a person; truthfulness purifies the mind; he individualised self is purified by learning and penitential austerities; and intellect (discriminative faculty) is purified by knowledge. - Manu Samhita

  • All men must die. None should grieve for that which is inevitable. - Mahabharata

  • Let there be peace in the whole world, and let everyone exert the well-being of the other. Let the evil disappear. Let everybody be happy everywhere. - Brihad Santi Stotra (Jain scriptures)

  • That is the true path where all paths have met. Conquer your mind and you will conquer the world. Bow to Him again and again. He is the beginning, He is the end, He is without beginning, without break, He is the same through different ages. - Japuji

  • Kabir, says on the day I am dead (my pride is dead) there shall be rejoicing after me I shall then have net my God and my friends will worship Him instead of weeping. - Bhakta Kabir

  • I shall not live with a heart full of attachment and evil propensities. I shall not associate with evil ones as also with those who are fettered in the cage of worldly object which are really not to be longed for. My mind being free of all sorts of bondage will roam freely like the air and sky. - Lalita Vistar (Buddhist scriptures)

  • Thou knowest my downsitting and my uprising. Thou understandest my thought afar off. Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O Lord thou knowest it altogether. Thou has behest me behind and before and laid thine hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high I cannot attain unto it. Whither shall I go from thy spirit? Or wither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up to heaven, thou art there. If I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the utter - most parts of the sea; Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me. - Pslam cxxxix 2-10

  • Blessed are the poor in spirit; for their's is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst for righteousness: for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are they that are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. - Matthew v, 3-10

  • There is no God but He, the creator of all things; therefore serve Him; for He taketh care of all things. The sight comprehendeth Him not, but He comprehendeth the sight; He is the incomprehensible, the wise. - Al Koran (Chapter vi)

  • Learn purity! Be worthy of good praise! May the mind think good thoughts, the words speak good, the works do good! May all wicked thoughts hasten away, all wicked words be diminished, all wicked works be burnt up. - Khorda (Avesta - Persian scriptures)

  • When you have faults do not fear to abandon them. - Confucius


Maghotsav, the main festival of the Brahmos is celebrated on the 11th of Magh each year according to the Bengali calendar to mark the anniversary of Brahmo Samaj. The celebration commemorates the inauguration of the first Brahmo Samaj by Ram Mohan Roy on 23rd January 1830, which was the 11th Magh according to the Bengali calendar.

Maghotsav is celebrated with traditonal fervour and gaiety by Brahmos all over the world. It is celebrated by prayers and singing of devotional hymns. In Calcutta, which is now the main seat of Brahmoism week long celebrations are carried out in the 3 principal Samajes. Food is also provided at the Samajes on the special days of the celebrations. The food is traditional and consists of khichudi, mixture of rice and lentil, along with mixed vegetables and chutney. After the celebrations the focus shifts to the provincial Samajes scattered all over Bengal.

Maghotsav is also celebrated in other Brahmo Samajes in India and the Brahmo educational institutions as well and in Tagore's Shantiniketan. However these are a single day celebration, rather than weeklong.

Bhadrotsav is another important festival of the Brahmos. The 6th of Bhadra 1234 (according to the Bengali calendar) or 20th August 1828 the first Brahmo Samaj was opened by Raja Rammohun Roy with Tarachand Chakravarty as its first secretary. This was opened on a rented house belonging to Feranghee Kamal Bose and accomodated the first theistic congregation. It should also be noted that coincidentally or otherwise other Brahmo Samajes were also opened in this particular month of the year. On 22nd August 1869 the consecration was held of the Brahmo Samaj of India or the Navavidhan Brahmo Samaj. The Brahmo Sammilan Samaj was also founded in August 1897.

Besides these two principal festivals the Samajes celebrate special days according to the state that they are in. For example the Samajes in Calcutta, have special functions celebrating the Bengali New Year, Birth and Death Anniversary of Rammohun, Birth and Death Anniversary of Keshub Chandra Sen, Birth and Death Anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore, Birth and Death Anniversary of Sivnath Shastri etc. Besides the Brahmo Sammilan Samaj also has a special festival celebrating the Nabanna or the Harvest Festival. In keeping with the tradition of Universalism - celebrations are also carried out on Birth Anniversary of Buddha, Christ etc.

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