
~Winter Awards~

The beginning of 2008 at Ashley’s Palace has brought many interesting twists to stories and series, while new authors entered the scene with their poems. As we look forward to these awards, there are some surprises but that’s always expected. Though overall, it was well done.

So without further-a-do, here are your 2008 Winter Awards…..


Story: Double Love
Double Love is a story that has 4 unique characters in 4 unique situations. Within the story, their love combines as two are married, yet they are seeking others of the opposite sex in their spare time. This is the second time in a row that it has won the author award and it is a past winter of the story award.

Double Love is really interesting in how it's written as it shows so many different sides and emotions from different people. You have Dale's grief, Kevin's intense affection towards Dale, Delana's lonliness and Tony wanting to comfort his friend. Nice job Ash! Looking forward to what you have prepared for this story as we go on. Keep us updated! - Jr Prince

Series: Ashy & Junebug
Ashy & Junebug is a series about a family and their journey through different challenges that come about in each step of their life. A series full of love and mystery; a definite hit with everybody.
This series has it all - mystery, love and the dish of reality. All in all, it makes it a really good series. Every story is always good and never leaves you wanting more. WTG Ashley! - Jr Prince

Article: Dale Jr - Determind & Resilient
Dale Jr - Determind & Resilient is an article that Ashley wrote telling her opinion in why she feels Dale Jr. is someone who is determinded, unlike what the media was saying. This is this article’s 4th author win in a row and it is already a 3-time winner of the best article award.
That's why I've always loved this article personally - it was a tiraid against the media against something she truly believed in. Going with your heart and going with your beliefs can equal some good pieces and this is one really good example. WTG Ash! I like your new stuff, but this one is still one of the top ones in my heart. Keep posting articles though! I love reading 'em! - Jr Prince

Love Connection: Dale & Ashley from Ashy & Junebug
Ashy & Junebug is the tale of two lovers and their journey through life and their different struggles, whether they're between themselves or their children. This'll be the fourth author award in a row for this pairing with this series and it was the 2007 Summer and Winter overall winner. The voting this year, though, was tougher than last year as it came in a three-way tie with Kevin & Delana from Double Love and Jackelyn and Tony from Idiot & Junebug.
“I gotta agree that storylines always bring out the best of a love combo. That's why I went with Ashy & Junebug. It has a deep storyline, which bring the lovers closer together. Ashy & Junebug has one of the deepest storylines ever as it's a tale of struggle to become who they want to become.” - Captain’s quote from last year

M/M Slash: Dale Jr. & Jimmie from Idiot & Junebug
Idiot & Junebug is a fictional series about Jimmie Johnson and Dale Earnhardt Jr. It is full of mysteries and strong love between two, giving it the win.

Evil Character: Joey Lewis from The New Top Shot from Ashy & Junebug
The New Top Shot is all about a new driver joining the circuit who is all about taking the supreme spot on the top from Ashley and Dale. Though to also add to that, he has a past with Ashley and wants to somehow find a way to settle what has happened between them. It was the 2007 Winter winner of the best evil character award overall.
He's what drawed me towards that series. I mean, I normally wouldn't read this type of series but I did and his actions drawed me closer to it. WTG Ashley! With the ways you presented this character, you pushed me to like this series. - Dan

Sex Scene: Tony Stewart & Kevin Harvick from My Lil All-Star, My Lil Kitten from Comical Love
My Lil All-Star, My Lil Kitten is a good teasing fun between Tony and Kevin that is suppose to be just a fun night celebrating Kevin’s All-Star win. This is the 2nd author award in a row and it was the 2007 Winter winner of this award.

I really gotta say this is a really good sex scene story as it talks about the actual sex a lot and that's what ppl really drive for in a sexual story. Hense the whole "sex scene" title for it. WTG Ash! - Truex Princess


Story: For You, Dad
For You, Dad is a story based upon the 2001 Pepsi 400 and Jr.’s thoughts of winning the race for his father.
Agreed to what everybody has said already. It's really refreshing to read this story and think back to that night when he won that race - they go together really well with emotions and events. Also, She covers all the leftover ends that have somewhat been bugging us. It really caps off the whole 2001 stories set. WTG Kristina! You've proven once again why you're an awesome author & fulfilled your deed as an author. - Truex Prince

Series: Beneath The Surface
Beneath the Surface is all about going beneath the surface of Dale Jr. into his hidden thoughts.
It marks a historic moment in the history to see an official poem series, and then on top of that the poems are amazing? It's just a really good combination! WTG Kristina! You've impressed me out of all the ppl that I thought you could impress with something like this. - Schrub

Love Connection: Jeff Gordon & Kristina Z. from Everlasting Love
Everlasting Love is a series that showcases Jeff and Kristina's love for each other and why they belong together, instead of apart like they are at the beginning. This'll be the 3rd time this combination (2nd time in a row) has won this author award as it took the prize in the 2007 Winter award overall.
She's developed a really strong storyline that let's everybody explore all ends of the spectrum. It really gives you a good background of why they should be together! WTG Kristina! You've come up with one of the best combinations ever! - 5fan4ever


Best Evil Character: Carl Edwards from NASCAR Gone Crazy
NASCAR Gone Crazy is basically this - the whole garage gone nuts, doing odd things.
To me in The Crazy Ward, Carl is your picture-perfect-not-seen-as-villian character. Carl's way of playing evil is going good right now. He's hiding it so well that some people are doubting him as the evil character. He's pushing the blame around, by blaming others, and allowing ppl to truly ponder if he's the true evil character. Truth is, behind it all, he is evil. He has caused harm towards Dale Jr. in more ways then one, psychologically and physically, but also has blackmailed someone. He didn't blackmail some random person either - he blackmailed one of the main woman in NASCAR, Lesa France. Therefore I believe Carl is one of the evilest characters at Ashley's Palace. - Lil Tigre's Angel


Best Poem: Staying Strong
Staying Strong is poem about staying strong through tough moments. This was a tough category as the results were really close.
Lil Tigre's Angel has done a really good job here debuting at Ashley's Palace and this poem is one of the best that I've seen. It's well written with it's wording and it gives off a hopeful message, a message that the reader can relate to. It's one of those comforting poems for when you're in tough times and that's what I think seperates it from the others. WTG Lil Tigre's Angel! Make sure ya don't leave Ashley's Palace anytime soon! - Truex Princess


Best Poem: Mistake
This poem is about learning about your mistakes.
I gotta agree with Lil Tigre's Angel that Mistake does that, however it's not the most important part. Remember what's also important within poem writing is the emotions protrayed. This poem on the outside may not protray the top level emotions, like others, however it does protray inner emotions in which the reader can read see themself based upon the author's words. - Truex Princess


Every year at Ashley's Palace, there is always an interesting story that takes the readers by storm. Sometimes it can be due to the love content, or due to the mysterious feel. Well, Asley and Kristina posted a story that‘ll be loved and followed for a long time. It contains the combination of both as it follows 4 main love combinations. As Truex Prince says, “I gotta say that this story has some of the most dramatic moments in it, whether they're in a love reasoning or a mysterious reasoning. It's always got something that keeps you peeled wondering what'll happen. Well done ladies! You've put together something really good.” This story is a past winner as it won this award in the 2007 Spring awards. This is also Ashley’s 2nd Best Story award in a row.The 2007 Winter Best Story is......
True Love by Ashley and Kristina
True Love Love is a story that has 4 unique love combinations in 4 unique situations. It is a story full of everything as it has mystery and love all in one.

A good series is one that deals with a good mystery throughout, but also has good connections between the characters. This year’s series section was one of the best ever as Jr Princess states, “They're all well written ladies and it's too hard to just go ahead and choose one. You all have your different style and it really seperates each of them. Well done overall at the site this year girls! You've made it one of the best writing spots ever, in my opinion.“ Well, the series that came out on top has always stood out for it’s mystery and love. As Dan stated, "The series here is strong for all of it's elements. It really adds to Ashley's Palace a lot with how many different types of stories Ashley has written into one series. It gives the series a lot of flavour, a bit of everything that you'll find at the site. Ashley does a good job, whether if it's including the mystery or including the love. This series has it well and combines it in a way that everybody can enjoy. WTG Ashley! You've done well in creating a series that'll always lead us here at the Palace." This is Ashley’s 6th Best Series award in a row. The 2007 Winter Best Series is......
Ashy and Junebug by Ashley
Ashy & Junebug is a series about a family and their journey through different challenges that come about in each step of their life. A series full of love and mystery; a definite hit with everybody.

This poem has taken the board by storm; everybody loves it. It basically has the expression of an event that people were looking for. As Chocolate Monster stated, “This poem has already proved it's worth here! There's no denying this poem is the best written piece. WTG ladies! You created something truly magical here.” This poem itself has already won this award 4 times, with the authors also combining to win this award themselves 5 times. They did it 4 times together and the first time ever, tying. Your 2007 Winter Best Poem is......
From Your Guardian Angel by Kristina & Ashley
From Your Guardian Angel is a poem written in the perspective of Dale Earnhardt Jr., as if he was writing a letter to his father.

When it comes to song writing, it always helps if you really feel inspiried to wirte the piece first and that‘s how this piece started. Everybody seemed to like It and as Kitten stated, “I like My Little Teddy Bear because of the way you wrote it. The style that you wrote it in, with how you described what you wanted to say, it's really well put together. WTG Kristina! I gotta say this is an awesome piece that I never really thought was possible in the song department at Ashley's Palace. I never thought we'd ever get a song as good as Superstar ever again. You've reached Palace Supremecy in my book!” The 2007 Winter Best Song is....
My Little Teddy Bear by Kristina

My Little Teddy Bear is a song dedicated to a friend and is really just a pure love song.

Articles are sometimes good for just reporting events and facts. However, they can sometimes to be a tool for someone to voice their opinion. This was the case with this article as it was Ashely's refuge against the media for them critizing Dale Jr. It brought out lots of reviews as it opened some people's eyes to unknown facts, yet also showed everybody what type of writer she could be if she was driven by a force to write something. As Lil Tigre’s Angel stated, “Ashley always has a way with her articles in protraying a good message - a message that is sometimes misunderstood by those around her. This article is a true example. The media was doubting Jr. as a driver, due to everything surrounding his career. However, Ashley believed in her driver and knew the true facts and went out and wrote an article. The result? A masterpiece that truthfully displays why Dale Jr. should be known as a determined driver.“ This is the 4th time that this specific article has won the award, yet as we look upon the list of winners of this award, only one name appears. The 2007 Winter Best Article is....
Dale Jr - Determind & Resilient by Ashley
Dale Jr - Determind & Resilient is an article that Ashley wrote telling her opinion in why she feels Dale Jr. is someone who is determinded, unlike what the media was saying.

Love connections all come down to a good background story and a brilliant way of bringing two people together. This year's winner is no exsemption of this as she showcases that with these two in telling their story of how much they love each other. As Truex Princess says, "It's got the perfect love touch to it and that's why for a change, I've actually read some of the stories. Normally I wouldn't dare to read it. . WTG Kristina! You've changed my perspective as a reader.” This combination has 3 wins In a total, 2 wins in a row, well the author herself, this'll be her 3rd love connection award in a row. The 2007 Winter Best Love Connection goes to....
Jeff Gordon & Kristina Z. from Everlasting Love by Kristina Z.
Everlasting Love is a series that showcases Jeff and Kristina's love for each other and why they belong together, instead of apart like they are at the beginning.

An m/m slash story is all about balancing many things on one spectrum. For starters, you must balance how much love you have, and how much it may incorperate sex within it. Second, you must watch how much you push the boundaries anyhow, due to the world of what some call "awkward" you're entering. Well, the winner of this series kept within these boundaries and took it the next level. As 5fan4ever states, “This series had the best start and has been good ever since. Each story contains it's own little mystery or love piece that intrigues the reader even more. WTG Ash! You've done well with this series.” This'll be the forth m/m slash award in a row for it's author. The 2007 Winter Best M/M Slash is...
Jimmie Johnson & Dale Earnhardt Jr. from Idiot & Junebug
Idiot & Junebug is a fictional series about Jimmie Johnson and Dale Earnhardt Jr. It is full of mysteries and strong love between two, giving it the win.

An Evil Character who succeeds is someone who extends to evil at all costs, and at different angles. This character must know his plan and follow it through without letting anyone stand in their way. This critia follows the award winner as he went out on the two he sought revenge on without holding back anything. When he noticed one plan failed, he tried another; he wasn’t going to stop till someone forced him too. As Truex Princess said in comparision to it‘s competition, “Definately the story of Joey's torment is better than Carl (from NASCAR Gone Crazy)'s. He goes all towards one person & that person alone in ways that Carl doesn't even go for. He shows his evilness, instead of hiding it behind a mask & blaming others. WTG Ashley! You've shown us yet another reason why you know how to host someone whose evil.” This is the second time in a row that this character has won this award. The 2007 Winter Best Evil Character is…
Joey Lewis from The New Top Shot from Ashy & Junebug
The New Top Shot is all about a new driver joining the circuit who is all about taking the supreme spot on the top from Ashley and Dale. But to also add to that, he has a past with Ashley and wants to somehow find a way to settle what has happened between them.

A good sex scene incorporates the element of love and the element of good actions between two people to show this love. It incorporates all the elements of sex, with a bonus element of it’s own love. Well, this scene does just that with it’s two characters and how they love to tease one another. It’s only fitting that they’d get this one together as they are just two teasing lovers who love to have fun. As Chocolate Monster states, “This story has the basic ingredient played into well - a good love connection between those involved. Ashley has incorperated that in well with it as she grows the connection through their conversations with each other. WTG Ash! This sex scene here turned out way better than expected. I'm still surprised you topped the one from Tiger & The Bug.“ This is the second time in a row that this particular sex scene has won this award. The 2007 Winter Best Sex Scene is…
Tony Stewart & Kevin Harvick from My Lil All-Star, My Lil Kitten from Comical Love
My Lil All-Star, My Lil Kitten is a good teasing fun between Tony and Kevin that is suppose to be just a fun night celebrating Kevin’s All-Star win.


The Best Written Piece is a piece that incorporates all the elements of a good piece, whether it’s emotion or a storyline. It was close between all the pieces but only one could win but this article stood out above the rest. It incorporates all the good elements of an article and as Gordon Prince states, “I really gotta say that I liked this article for what you stood for. For the fact of the matter that you took something that offended you and displayed good reason of why it wasn't true. That's the idea behind opinion articles - to display the truth to a topic and why it should be protrayed a curtain way. WTG Ashley! You've once again done well in the article writing department. It has taken the board by storm winning the best article award 4 times in a row.

The 2007 Winter Best Written Piece Award goes to:
Dale Jr - Determind & Resilient by Ashley McCubbin
Dale Jr - Determind & Resilient is an article that Ashley wrote telling her opinion in why she feels Dale Jr. is someone who is determinded, unlike what the media was saying.

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