
Before the universe could even foretell the silver millennium, there was the Solar War, which took place within the Solar System. This war was between the different rulers of different kingdoms. These worlds were located in various places throughout the Solar System. The major dispute was over the Moon Kingdom and it's past dominance over the Solar System Kingdoms.

Tragic battles were fought day by day, on every surface. Then one day, in the Moon Kingdom Great Hall, sides were formed, the Galactic, and the Solar. The Solar consisted of Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. And the Galactic was, Astro, Sun, Star, Earth, Alpha, Nemesis, Omega, X, and Apocalypse.

The exact opposite happened when these alliances formed, instead of peace utter chaos broke free, clear to the point of senshi -vs- senshi. Then, Princess Astro, along with two other princesses (names will be given after all app. submitted) discovered a way to create an alternate universe to this one.

Not long after this, all the Galactic Kingdoms united and created the Galactic Universe, and as no mistake they created a middle ground, where the royalty from both worlds can meet together once again, this middle ground is called the Galactic Circle.

Following the formation of the glorious new universe, both worlds experienced the new, Silver Millennium. And both were disrupted by an evil, the solar system y Beryl, and the Galactic Universe by a woman named Meian.

The destruction in the solar system was so severe that the planets were no longer stable, cause the Galactic universe to slowly fuse back to the Solar System. As this was happening Meian began killing off the royal families one by one, then destroying their homes. Meian killed most but the ones who didn't face her, died with their planet as it fuse with the Solar System. Either way, it is one of the most excruciating deaths imaginable. Each senshi killed was left with a scar, with a story of its own.

When the end of the Silver Millennium became a reality one senshi, one royal being survived, the princess of Astro. She had escaped her planet after Meian destroyed it. She had fled to the Galactic Circle, to call to the Solar system for help, with no luck (Due to Beryl). Astro, not wanting Meian to have the satisfaction, killed herself, just as Meian had arrived at the Galactic Circle, completing the fusion. And allowing herself to be re-born on Earth.


World politically is at a stand still, world protectors have been murdered and Neo Queen Serenity is in uprising - Many do not trust this to be reliable - Fear has elapsed over many

All Galactic senshi have in some way migrated to Toronto


Meian was fused with the solar system, just as everything else, and this allowed her to study every attack made on the Solar Senshi. She perfected her technology, allowing herself to travel by ship, supplying certain tools and having little tools created just for herself, to help gain the upper hand. She perfected her army of minions and is planning a full out attack on Earth.

So far, Meian has succeeded in capturing and murdering each solar senshi, knight and royal family member with exception to Usagi, whom was secluded with in her castle walls. No hope is left for Earth unless the last remaining senshi team alive in the solar system is awakened. With this comes great risk, all senshi are inexperienced and all have a disadvantage.

Aphrodite must awaken each senshi, then find where Meian is, and not worry about the main purpose of the senshi, the innocent. The senshi must not worry about Earth, and find Meian and destroy her and her army before they can reek havoc upon Earth, even with attacks occurring all the time.

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